Blanca Arango-Gonzalez
Project Leader, Dr. med.
Senior Staff Scientist
Business address
Institute for Ophthalmic Research
University of Tübingen
Elfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 7
D-72076 Tübingen,
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-80741
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29-5777
E-mail: blanca.arango-gonzalez@klinikum.uni-tuebingen.de
Academic Education
2008 | Dr. med, Neuroophthalmology, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen |
1996 | M.D., Human Medicine, Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Professional Experience
2015 – Present | Senior Staff Scientist, Targeting Proteostasis in Photoreceptors, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen |
2008 – 15 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Targeting Proteostasis in Photoreceptors - Retinal Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen |
2006 – 08 | Doctoral fellow, Retinal Development and Neuroprotection, Retinal Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection |
2005 – 06 | Research Associate, Retina - Extracellular Matrix, Dept. of Anatomy and Cellular Biology and Neuroscience, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston, USA. |
2004 - 05 | Research Associate, Retinal Neuroprotection, Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Zoology, Tuebingen University |
1999 - 04 | Research Assistant, Retinal Neuroprotection, Department of Experimental Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital, Tuebingen |
1998 - 99 | Guest scientist, Retinal Neuroprotection, Department of Experimental Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital. Tuebingen |
Academic Awards
2019 | Poster award winner of the 14th International Research Colloquium of PRO RETINA, Potsdam, Germany |
2014 | Academic Exchange Grant, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service - Programm des projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs (PPP) - Finland |
2002 | Stipendium im Ramen des Graduiertenkollegs “Zellbiologische Mechanismen immunassoziierter Prozesse” |
Travel Grants
2010 | Travel Grant by the PRO-RETINA-Stiftung zur Verhütung von Blindheit for the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting. |
2009 | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)– International Travel Grant. |
Past and Current Funding
2023 - 25 | Fighting Blindness Canada FBC | Towards clinical translation of mutation-independent treatment of RD by inhibiting VCP | Principal investigator |
2023 - 24 | Tisou & Charlotte Kerstan Stiftung | PRO-Cure - Proteostasis modulators as mutation-independent treatments for retinal degenerations | Co-applicant |
2022 - 24 | Maloch-Stiftung | Effects of VCP inhibition on retinal degeneration | Co-applicant |
2021 - 23 | Pro-Retina | Keeping protein homeostasis in cone photoreceptors: effect of VCP inhibition on primary and secondary cone degeneration | Co-applicant |
2019 - 21 | Maloch-Stiftung | Untersuchung des Einflusses der Valosin-Containing-Protein- Hemmung auf genetisch bedingte Proteinfaltungsstörungen im Auge | Co-applicant |
2019 - 20 | Pro-Retina | Rolle der VCP-Hemmung bei der autophagischen Prozessierung von fehlgefaltetem Rhodopsin | Co-applicant |
2018 - 22 | Tisou & Charlotte Kerstan Stiftung | Rho-Cure - Development of pharmacological treatment options to halt retinal degeneration caused by dominant rhodopsin mutations | Principal investigator |
2017 - 22 | Foundation Fighting Blindness FFB - 0717-0719-RAD | Targeting Proteostasis and Protein Quality Control in Photoreceptors Towards Therapeutic Intervention | Leading Postdoc |
2017 - 18 | Pro-Retina | Restitution of protein homeostasis in photoreceptors: impact of p97/VCP inhibition on retina disorders that do not affect protein folding | Principal investigator |
2016 - 19 | European Union’s Horizon 2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 - 722717 | OcuTher - Educational Network in Ocular Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | Co-Supervisor |
2015 - 19 | European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme - 634479 | EYE-RISK- Exploring the combined role of genetic and non-genetic factors for developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A systems level analysis of disease subgroups, risk factors, and pathways | Scientist |
2015 - 18 | Pro-Retina | Impact of p97/VCP inhibition on protein folding disorders in the eye | Principal investigator |
2014 - 15 | DAAD - Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst e. V. - 57071053 | Novel Methods for Ocular Drug Research | Principal investigator |
2012 - 15 | BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - 01GM1108A | HOPE2 Hereditary Retinal Disorders: From Patients Towards Therapies | Co- Principal investigator |
Selected Publications
- Sen M, Kutsyr O, Cao B, Bolz S, Arango-Gonzalez B#, Ueffing M#. Pharmacological Inhibition of the VCP/Proteasome Axis Rescues Photoreceptor Degeneration in RHOP23H Rat Retinal Explants. Biomolecules. 2021 Oct 16;11(10):1528. doi: 10.3390/biom11101528. PMID: 34680161.
- Sen M, Al-Amin M, Kicková E, Sadeghi A, Puranen J, Urtti A, Caliceti P, Salmaso S, Arango-Gonzalez B#, Ueffing M#. Retinal neuroprotection by controlled release of a VCP inhibitor from self-assembled nanoparticles. J Control Release. 2021 Nov 10;339:307-320. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.09.039. Epub 2021 Oct 2. PMID: 34606936.
- Sen M, Bassetto M, Poulhes F, Zelphati O, Ueffing M#, Arango-Gonzalez B#. Efficient Ocular Delivery of VCP siRNA via Reverse Magnetofection in RHO P23H Rodent Retina Explants. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Feb 6;13(2):225. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13020225. PMID: 33562020; PMCID: PMC7914601.
- Arango-Gonzalez B, Sen M, Guarascio R, Ziaka K, del Amo EM, Hau K, et al. Inhibition of VCP preserves retinal structure and function in autosomal dominant retinal degeneration. bioRxiv. 2020:2020.11.17.384669.
- Trifunović D*, Arango-Gonzalez B*, Comitato A, Barth M, Del Amo EM, Kulkarni M, Sahaboglu A, Hauck SM, Urtti A, Arsenijevic Y, Ueffing M, Marigo V, Paquet-Durand F. HDAC inhibition in the cpfl1 mouse protects degenerating cone photoreceptors in vivo. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Aug 15.
- Arango-Gonzalez B, Trifunović D, Sahaboglu A, Kranz K, Michalakis S, Farinelli P, Koch S, Koch F, Cottet S, Janssen-Bienhold U, Dedek K, Biel M, Zrenner E, Euler T, Ekström P, Ueffing M, Paquet-Durand F. Identification of a common non-apoptotic cell death mechanism in hereditary retinal degeneration. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 13;9(11):e112142. eCollection 2014.
- Arango-Gonzalez B, Leitritz MA, Fischer D, Gerberding M, Paquet-Durand F, Ueffing M. [Current therapeutic approaches in inherited retinal degeneration: from genes to chip]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2014 Mar;231(3):222-31. Epub 2014 Mar 21. Review. German.
- Arango-Gonzalez B, Schatz A, Bolz S, Eslava-Schmalbach J, Willmann G, Zhour A, Zrenner E, Fischer MD, Gekeler F. Effects of combined ketamine-xylazine anesthesia on light-induced retinal degeneration in rats. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35687. Epub 2012 Apr 25.
- Trifunović D, Sahaboglu A, Kaur J, Mencl S, Zrenner E, Ueffing M, Arango-Gonzalez B#, Paquet-Durand F# Neuroprotective Strategies for the Treatment of Inherited Photoreceptor Degeneration. Curr Mol Med. 2012 Jun;12(5):598-612. Review.
- Kaur J, Mencl S, Sahaboglu A, Farinelli P, van Veen T, Zrenner E, Ekström P, Paquet-Durand F, Arango-Gonzalez B#. Calpain and PARP activation during photoreceptor cell death in P23H and S334ter rhodopsin mutant rats. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22181. Epub 2011 Jul 12.
Patents and Patent Applications
- Ueffing, M, Arango-Gonzalez, B, Griciuc, A. DE 102013110714 A1, WO 2015044251 A1, PCT/EP2014/070459. Prophylaxis and treatment of a neurodegenerative disease not based on a protein folding disorder.