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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

Spatial Jitter & Stereopsis

Matthias Bethge, Arne Ohlendorf, Frank Schaeffel

After listening to some talks about fixational eye movements, Matthias Bethge proposed that we should find out how binocular fusion and stereopsis are affected by retinal image jitter. FS wrote a program to present a red and a green random dot pattern on the retina in rapid alternation. Subject wore red/green spectacles to see only one of each with either eye. The random dot pattern contained a squared center area in which the pattern was displaced either nasally or temporally, generating crossed or uncrossed disparities. The two patterns could be independently and randomly jittered with a spatial amplitude of up to one degree.


Even jitter at 60 Hz and with an amplitude of up to one degree between the two fields to be matched, stereopsis was possible. Further studies are underway, for instance to explain why the “corresponding retinal areas” are so loosely defined.

Involved partner

Bruce Cumming, NIH.

Funding Agency

BMBF, Bernstein center of computational neuroscience, Tübingen (scientific coordinator: Matthias Bethge).

Question here whether we should link the ARVO poster 2012, showing a recent status of this project (must ask Matthias and Arne).