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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

Recent Awards

  • Frank Schaeffel | Fellow of ARVO 2009
  • Regan Ashby | Attempto Award 2010
  • Juan Tabernero | Carl Zeiss Young Investigator Award 2012
  • Frank Schaeffel | European Vision Award 2012
  • 2013 Guest Professor Central South University, Changsha, China
  • 2015 Chew-Sek-Chin Memorial Lectureship, 15th International Myopia Conference, Wenzhou
  • 2007 - 2017 Six Teaching Awards for the annual lecture series “Sensory systems - visual system”
  • 2018 Honorary Doctoral Degree of Science, State University of New York, SUNY College of Optometry
  • 2019 Senior Professor at the University of Tuebingen, Ophthalmic Research Institute (from Oct 1)
  • 2020 Guest Professorship at the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB), from April 1, 2020
  • 2021 Swiss Ophtha Award to Barbara Swiatczak for the paper: Swiatczak B, Schaeffel F. Transient Eye Shortening During Reading Text With Inverted Contrast: Effects of Refractive Error and Letter Size. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022 Apr 1;11(4):17. doi: 10.1167/tvst.11.4.17
  • 2023 RetinAward to Barbara Swiatczak for the paper: Swiatczak B, Schaeffel F. Myopia: why the retina stops inhibiting eye growth. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 15;12(1):21704. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-26323-7
  • 2024 Pfizer Award to Barbara Swiatczak, for a manuscript (Swiatczak, Scholl, Schaeffel) about measurements of retinal areas that drive emmetropization, using eye tracking to cover parts of the 

Invited Presentations


Video of the german lecture "Myopieentwicklung"

"Presentation at the Innovation Symposium in Düsseldorf, Germany, January 16, 2016 (Organizer: Dr. Hakan Kaymak)
Prof. Dr. Frank Schaeffel - Myopieentwicklung from Breyer, Kaymak & Klabe on Vimeo.

Video of the german lecture "Individualisierte Myopiebehandlung bei Kindern"


Jan 5Hyderabad, Indian Myopia Awareness and Research Conference (4th IMARC), Prof. Pavan Verkircharla, key note: “Connecting myopia theories with practise –translational relevance”
Jan 30New England College of Optometry, Boston, Dr. Chris Taylor: „Functional changes in the myopic retina interfere with emmetropization”
Feb 1Zürich, Schweizer Ophthalmologen, Augenklinik des Universitätsspitals Zürich, Fortbildung Myopie, Genese, Folgen, Assoziationen, Prophylaxe (Prof. Dr. Christina Gerth-Kahlert): „Mechanismen der Emmetropisierung - und was geht schief bei Myopie“
Mar 2BW Arzthelfer, Baden-Württembergische Augenärzte meeting, 
April 9Shanghai, China, Frontiers in Vision Science Summit - Myopia research: “Functional changes in the myopic retina compromize emmetropization online”
April 10Dortmund, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lichttechnik und Lichtgestaltung, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin: „Rot, Grün oder Blau: Welches Licht hemmt die Kurzsichtigkeit?“
May 8Seattle, ARVO Minisymposium  - Illuminating myopia: newer insights into the mechanisms and effects of light on myopia. Invited talk: “How focus in different spectral ranges controls emmetropization and accommodation”
June 5Tübingen, Zeiss Vision Convention 2023: “Visual cues for emmetropization and mechanisms of myopia control”
June 19Tübingen, Zeiss Vision Convention 2023: “Visual cues for emmetropization and mechanisms of myopia control”
June 29Euretina Special Focus Meeting on Myopia, Paris: “Functional changes in the myopic retina compromize emmetropization”
July 2OphthalmoLife, TV podium discussion, Wiesbaden “Myopia”
Sept 26International Myopie Conference (19th IMC) Hainan, China, Prof. Weizhong Lan: “What changes in the myopic retina” (organization of symposium) 
Oct 10Berlin, Annual meeting der DOG, Symposium Highlights in Translational Science: progessive myopia in childhood: advance in preclinical and clinical research: “Possible mechanisms of myopia inhibition by atropine: results from animal models”
Oct 25Basel, IOB lecture: “Visual acuity and Contrast Sensitivity, Color vision, Eye Movements”
Nov 7The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: “Functional changes in the myopic retina compromize emmetropization”


Mar 21Columbus, Ohio, The Hill lecture, Prof. Karla Zadnik & Prof. Donald Mutti: “Functional changes in the myopic retina interfere with emmetropization”
April 23New Orleans, USA, invited talk Sunday symposium ARVO: "Mechanisms Behind Myopia Control Treatments - current hypotheses and unknowns on the mechanisms of myopia development and myopia progression”
April 27WVAO Wissensforum 2023, online Abend-Event: “Warum sich die Myopie nicht selber hemmt”
May 6Freiburg, 12. Freiburger Kontaktlinsenforum, Konzerthaus Freiburg (Hecht Kontaktlinsen): „Neues aus der Myopieforschung“
May 31Inzlingen, Basel, Leadership meeting IOB: “Current projects of the Myopia Group”
June 10Manchester, UK, British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) meeting, key note lecture: “Visual cues for emmetropization and mechanisms of myopia control”
June 17Grindelwald, retreat IOB: “Some current key questions of myopia – and the resulting new projects”
June 30Aalen, School of Optometry, Prof. Ulrich Schiefer: ”Some current key questions of myopia”
July 12Harrogate, UK, Physiological Society Annual Meeting: Physiology 2023: “The mechanisms of emmetropization”
Oct 14Tübingen, Zeiss Vision Convention 2023: “Visual cues for emmetropization and mechanisms of myopia control”
Oct 28Valencia, Opthalmic Research Award Lecture, 26th EVER meeting: “Functional changes in the myopic retina compromize emmetropization”
Nov 3Basel, IOB lecture: “Visual acuity and Contrast Sensitivity, Color vision, Eye Movements”
Nov 11Salzburg, 27. Herbstsymposium der Vereinigung der kontaktlinsenanpassenden Augenärzte (Prof. Gabriela Seher): „Wie die myope Netzhaut verlernt, das Augenwachstum zu hemmen“
Nov 14Tübingen, Steinbeiss Center eyetrial, Dr. Tobias Peters: „Grundlagen Myopie und aktuelle Therapieansätze“
Nov 25Leipzig, Sächsische Augenärztliche Gesellschaft (SAG), Jahrestagung (Prof. Focke Ziemssen): „Wie das Auge (nicht) myop wird“


Jan 12Optica (formerly OSA), USA, webinar Myopia- recent davances in technologies and treatment: “Visual cues for emmetropization”
Mar 14Freiburg, Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Augenoptik und Optometrie (VDCO): „Welche visuelle Information benutzt das Auge zur Emmetropisierung?“ 
April 1Potsdam, ProRetina Foundation, 16th Research Colloquium, (evening lecture): “Current strategies for myopia inhibition” 
May 1Denver, CO, ARVO: “Dynamic OFF stimulation reduces perceived saturation of red color, similarly in myopes and emmetropes”
May 14Freiburg, 23. Jahrestagung der Bielschowsky-Gesellschaft: “Wirkprinzip und Nutzenbewertung  von DIMS-Brillengläsern“
June 17IOB retreat talk Grindelwald: “Mechanisms of myopia”
Jul 26The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, RCSV-SCO Joint Distinguished lecture: “Visual cues controlling myopia and emmetropization”
Aug 26Basel, Swiss Ophthalmological Society, Annual meeting: “Why do we become myopic at all?”
Sept 3Paris, ECLSO meeting, Dr. Mely: “Myopia progression - a review of current fundamental research”
Sept 5IMC Rotterdam “Systematic analysis of the visual cues that are needed for the sign of defocus detection”
Oct 14Valencia, 23. EVER meeting: “Contrast polarity and Myopia”
Oct 21OPTICA Fall Vision Meeting, Rochester, NY, Prof. Susana Marcos: “Early functional changes in the retina compromize emmetropization”
Nov 26Baseler Fortbildungstage, Biozentrum Basel, Glaukom und hohe Myopie: “Pathomechanismus der hohen Myopie“
Dec 8Basel, Mehr Wissen - die öffentliche Vortragsreihe, Universitätsspital Basel: „Das Rätsel der Kurzsichtigkeit“
Dec 20Murcia, 8th LOUM christmas meeting, Prof. Pablo Artal: “Myopia - why does the eye grow out of range?”


Jul 16-18EYEFOX Myopie Symposium Berlin, Prof. Kaymak: “Myopieforschung gestern-heute-morgen: am Anfang stand das Huhn“
Sept 30DOG symposium: „Blaues Licht und Myopieprävention“
Oct 7Tübingen, lecture series of Striatech (Dr. Thomas Münch): “IR Photorefraction and IR Photokeratometry –measuring refractive state and corneal curvature in animals and humans”
Oct 8VDCO - Sichtkontakte: „Myopiehemmung - welche Strategien werden aktuell verfolgt ?
Oct 23Aalen, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik:“Welche visuellen Stimuli braucht die Netzhaut für die Emmetropisierung?“
Nov 8-9Basel, Scientific Advisory Board Meeting IOB: “Review of work done by the myopia group at IOB”
Nov 19UFA Eye Research Institute, Prof. Mukharram Bikbov, Russia (invited by Prof. Jost Jonas): “Visual cues for emmetropization”
Nov 20Salzburg, 25. Herbstsymposium Vereinigung kontaktlinsenanpassender Augenärzte Salzburg, Prof. Gabriela Seher:  (1) Licht, Seherfahrung, Atropin und Myopie“, (2) Optische Strategien zur Myopiehemmung“


Feb 15Freiburg, ProRetina - Makula Fachtagung, Schwerpunkt Myopie: „Mechanismen der Myopie“
Feb 19Webinar Zeiss: “Mechanisms of Myopia”
Oct 19Wien, Wiener Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (WOG), Prof. Christina Leydolt: „Mechanismen der Myopie“
Oct 22OphthalmoLive, Fernseh-Podiumsdiskussion, Wiesbaden: “Myopie-Entwicklung”
Nov 7Myopia Symposium Argentina, organized by Prof. Rafael Iribarren: “Reading and myopia”


January 19Düsseldorf, Innovationssymposium Augenchirurgie: „Individualisierte Myopiebehandlung bei Kindern“ (Organisator Dr. H. Kaymak)
January 23Stuttgart: „Atropinbehandlung bei Kindern“ (Dr. Kaymak, Dr. Schwahn)
February 21Tübingen, Lehrerfortbildung des Schülerlabors Neurowissenschaften, Centrum für integrative Neurowissenschaften: „Visuelle Steuerung des Augenwachstums und Kurzsichtigkeit“ (Organisator Prof. Uwe Ilg)
March 25University of Murcia, Symposium 25 years LOM: „Myopia and physiological optics - the Tuebingen Murcia interactions“ (Prof. Pablo Artal)
May 2Vancouver, ARVO meeting: “Can manipulation of the retinal ON-OFF pathways prevent myopia?”
May 8Frühjahrssymposium Ophthalmologie, Laserforum eV: „Wie lässt sich die Myopieprogression beeinflussen? Atropin und neue optische Korrekturen“
May 25DOC 2019, 32. Internationaler Congress der Ophthalmochirurgen: „Myopie - Prävention was ist Legende, was funktioniert ?“
June 4Heiligkreuztal, Retreat CRC 1233 Robust vision: “Where and how is the retinal image jitter from fixational eye movements perceptually stabilized?” (Prof. M. Bethge)
June 26Zeiss Oberkochen, MyFUN final meeting: “Myopia - what is new and what is old?” (Organizer: Prof. Siegfried Wahl)
August 13University of Lviv, Ukraine, Symposium on Vision in the ageing eye: “Visual function across life span” (Organizer: Prof. Olga Garaschuk)
September 14Tokyo, 16th International Myopia Conference: “Watching spatially filtered movies that enhance ON or OFF stimulation changes choroidal thickness” (organizer Prof. Ohno-Matsui)
September 27Berlin, 117. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft: “Current hot topics in myopia research“ (Organisator Prof. W. Lagreze)
October 11Tübingen, Tag der offnen Tür der Augenklinik: „Wie Tier sehen - Spezialisten auf Ihrem Gebiet“ (Organisator Prof. K-U Bartz-Schmidt)
October 16Düsseldorf, Gesundheitsamt Neuss, Ärztekammer Nordrhein: „Aktuelles aus der Myopieforschung“
October 26Herrsching, 28. Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik: „Änderungen der Fundusreflektivität als Biomarker für Myopieentwicklung?“
November 16Cluy, Transsilvania, 5. EurOK meeting: „Animal models in myopia control”


February 5Tuebingen, Midterm review meeting EC network MyFun (“coordinator’s report”)
February 24Tuebingen, Invited plenary lecture at the annual meeting of opthalmologists of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Title: “Mechanisms of Vision”
April 30ARVO meeting Honolulu, lecture “Reading white text on black paper may cause less myopia than black text on white paper”
May 16Tuebingen Seminar of the Ophthalmic Research Institute, “Role of the ON-OFF pathways in myopia development”
May 25New York SUNY College of Optometry “Levels of spatio-temporal adaptation and potential effects on eye growth”
June 16Annual meeting of the German Ophthalmo surgeons (DOC), Nuremberg, “Myopie - Entstehung und Prophylaxe?” (Myopia - development and prophylaxis)
June 20Helios Eye Clinics Pforzheim, “Myopie - biologische Mechanismen, warum nimmt sie zu und wie können wir sie hemmen?“ (Myopia - biological mechanisms, why does it increase, and how could we inhibit its progression)
August 21Basel, La Roche, “Myopia - biological mechanisms and possible strategies for its inhibition”
September 22ESCRS meeting Vienna, “Myopia - Biological Mechanisms”
September 27Bonn, Annual Meeting of the German Ophthalmologists, „DOG kontrovers - ist eine Beeinflussung der Myopieentwicklung bei Kindern möglich?“
September 28Bonn, Annual Meeting of the German Ophthalmologists , „Ansätze zur Prävention der Myopie“
October 27Luebeck, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, “ Levels of adaptation and their potential interactions with myopia”
November 1Basel, Institute of Ophthalmology (IOB) and University Eye Hospital, “Myopia - biological mechanisms and possible interventions”
November 10Stuttgart, 102. Arbeitstagung Interlens Contactlinsen Institute e.V., „Myopiekontrolle - biologische Mechanismen der Myopie, und wie können wir sie hemmen?“
November 14Düsseldorf, Breyer, Kaymak & Klabe Augenchirurgie, „Atropin and photorefraction“
November 17ProRetina Patiententag, Tuebingen, „Entstehungsmechanismen der Myopie“
November 20AIER Eye Conference, Changsha, China,“Levels of adaptation and their potential interactions with myopia”


January 17Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Augenoptik und Optometrie (WVAO), Freiburg: „Die Myopie auf dem Vormarsch - was kann man tun?“
January 28Koblenzer und Trierer Gespräche, Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Landesapothekerkammer Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz: „Kurzsichtigkeit -warum das Auge immer weiter wächst und was wir dagegen tun können“
February 22Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik für Augenheilkunde (Prof. B. Seitz), 81. Augenärztliche Fortbildung, Homburg, Saar: „Neues aus der Myopieforschung Licht, Linsen, Atropin“
March 17Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands e.V., auf der AAD Düsseldorf: „Behandlung der Myopie: Licht, Linsen, Atropin“
May 13Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands e.V., auf der DOC Nürnberg: „Licht, geänderte optische Korrekturen: neue Strategien zur Myopiehemmung“
June 10Koblenzer und Trierer Gespräche, Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Landesapothekerkammer Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier: „Kurzsichtigkeit -warum das Auge immer weiter wächst und was wir dagegen tun können“
June 11ProRetina, Makula-Patiententag in Münster: „Myopieforschung 2017“
September 14International Myopia Conference Birmingham, UK, several posters
September 28Annual meeting of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER), Nice, France: “Myopia - biological mechanisms and unresolved questions”
October 6European Retina Meeting (ERM 2017), Paris: “Retinal control of myopia - lenses, light and atropine”
October 14Klinikum Esslingen, 1. Strabologisches Treffen, Esslingen: „Myopie - biologische Mechanismen, warum nimmt sie zu und wie können wir sie hemmen?“
October 26MyFUN Murcia Summer School, Murcia, Spain: „Contrast vision and Contrast adaptation“
November 22Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt a.M., Augenstern e.V., Fortbildung: neuester Stand der Amblyopie und Myopieforschung, Frankfurt: „Licht - Linsen - Atropin: neue Wege zu Hemmung der Myopie“
December 15Webinar: “solving the myopia puzzle”, organized by the Optical Society of America (Brian Vohnsen): “Understanding myopia in the chick model”


January 16.Innovationssymposium Augenchirurgie . Breyer, Kaymak & Klabe Augenchirurgie Düsseldorf. Thema: „Myopieentwicklung: Neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung“ (Dr. Hakan Kaymak).
February 23.Kick-off meeting des Madam Curie Netzwerks „MyFUN“, in Tuebingen. Talks: (1) “Questions in myopia which need fundamental understanding” (2) “Inter-individual variability of myopia” (3) “Why suddenly myopia?” (MyFUN Network)
April 16.Frühjahrsfortbildung am Augenzentrum Würzburg. „Ursachen und Risiken der Myopieentwicklung, Verhaltens- und medikamentöse Therapieempfehlungen für Schulkinder“ (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schrader)
May 18.PhD examination: Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan. Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab, Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés", Spanish Council for Scientific Research, CSIC, Madrid (Prof. Dr. Susana Marcos)
June 8.Akademie für Medizinische Fortbildung. Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe. Bochum. „The myopia boom Bildschirmarbeit an Tablet und Notebook. Aktuelle Erkenntnisse der Myopieforschung“
June 30.University of Crete, Institute of Vision and Optics, Chania. 12thAegean Summer School on Visual optics. (1) “Biological mechanisms of myopia: results from animal models”, (2) “Peripheral refraction: why does it matter?” (3) “Visual performance in animals” (Dr. Sotiris Plainis & Prof. I.G. Pallikaris)
October 2.Annual meeting of the German Ophthalmologists (DOG), Berlin. „Myopie – was wusste man 1890 und was weiss man heute?“ (Professor Dr. M. Rohrbach)
November 13.Jährliche Tagung der Bielschowski Gesellschaft, Jena. „Biologische Mechanismen der Myopie und abgeleitete Interventionsmöglichkeiten“ (Dr.  Ulrich Voigt)
November 28-30.Annual meeting and winter school MyFUN network. (1) “Current research on myopia”. (2) “Refraction techniques over the past 50 years”. (MyFUN network)
November 30.Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft e.V., München. „Kurzsichtigkeit - warum das Auge immer weiter wächst und was wir dagegen tun können“. (Prof. Dr. Gerhard Winter)
December 3. 23.Erfurter Tage, Symposium zur Prävention arbeitsbedingter Gesundheitsgefahren und Erkrankungen, Kaisersaal Erfurt. „Zunahme der Kurzsichtigkeit - Folge moderner Technik?“ (Frau Bianka Thierfelder)


Jan 19-23Moderator at the Final meeting of the EC Initial Training Network OpAL, Murcia, Spain
Feb 26Interview Swiss TV about myopia in children
Mar 4Fielmann Castle in Plön, Germany, presentation "Myopia research - what do we know today?" (Prof. Hans-Jürgen Grein)
April 16University Eye Hospital Zuerich, Switzerland, presentation "Do humans become more and more myopic?" (Prof. Jens Funk)
May 16Concert hall Freiburg, Germany, 10th Contact lens forum, organized by Hecht Contact lenses, presentation: "Biological mechanisms of myopia in children and intervention strategies" (Frank Widmer, CEO)
June 15University Medical Center Rotterdam, Holland, presentation "Myopia - lessons learned from mouse studies", and PhD examination of Dr. Virginie Verhoeven (Prof. C.C.K. Klaver)
July 2Breyer-Kaymak Augenchirurgie Düsseldorf, "Measurement of lens tilt and decentration with Purkinje images" (Dr. H. Kaymak)
Sept 23Wenzhou, China, Zeiss International Myopia Symposium, presentation: "Attempts to interfere with myopia development: light, optics, atropine" (Dr. Christian Lappe)
Sept 25Wenzhou, China, 15th International Myopia Conference, The Sek-Chin Chew memorial lecture "Myopia - what is new and what is old?" (selected by IMC committee)
Oct 2Berlin, Germany, Annual meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society, Organization of a Symposium on "Vision in aninmals", presentations "Depth perception: how do animals determine the distance to their prey?" and "Limits of light sensitivity in the animal kingdom" (Prof. Bartz-Schmdit)
Oct 4Berlin, Germany, Annual meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society, presentation "Mechanisms of myopia progression" (Prof. W. Lagreze)
Oct 5Cologne, Germany. Live Interview on the ARD "Morgenmagazin" (TV)
Oct 10Heilbronn, Germany, patients' meeting of ProRetina, presentation "Progress in myopia research" (Bettina Blau)
Oct 24Jena, Germany, annual meeting of the Working group on Ophthalmic Optics ("Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik"), presentation "Myopia - what did we know in 1860 and what do we know today?" (Dr. Ingo Koschmieder)
Oct 30Tübingen, Germany, Symposium in honor of Prof. Zrenner's 70th birthday, presentation "Current interventions of myopia progression in children" (Prof. Üffing)
Nov 15Essen, Germany, Meeting of the Optometrists of NRW, Oktogon, Zeche Zollverein, presentation "Development of myopia and its interventions" (Ute Limberg, CEO)
Nov 25Tübingen, Germany, Meeting of the Ophthalmologist and Residents, presentation "How can we slow the progression of myopia in children?" (Prof. Bartz-Schmidt, Prof. Dominik Fischer)


January 18"Light and Emmetropization", International Myopia Conference, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, China 
January 21"Grenzen des Sehens bei Mensch und Tier", Abendvortrag Fachhochschule Aalen (Prof. Schiefer) 
January 22"Warum wachsen Augen länger? Neues aus der Myopieforschung", Fachhochschule Aalen (Prof. Schiefer) 
March 9"Neue Wege in der Myopieforschung", Optometry 14, keynote lecture VDCO meeting in Cologne 
April 1"Das Sehen verstehen - neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse", Photonics BW, Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien (organisiert vom Zeiss Vision Lab) 
May 6 Moderator ARVO meeting Orlando, USA
May 22 Moderator, Annual meeting of ITN OpAL, Stockholm, Sweden
June 4"Wie genau ist die Linse positioniert? Messtechnik und klinische Schlussfolgerungen", Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, Prof. Gekeler 
August 25"Contrast vision and contrast adaptation" keynote lecture at the 7. International Conference on Visual and Physiological Optics, Wroclaw, Poland 
October 2"Biological mechanisms of myopia development", Symposium on Myopia, EVER meeting, Nice, France (Dr. Mike Francke and Franziska Rauscher) 
October 14"Kurzsichtigkeit - warum das Auge immer weiter wächst und was wir dagegen tun können", Abendvortrag (gemeinsame Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Landesapothekerkammer Hessen, der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft und der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main), Frankfurt
October 17"Biologische Mechanismen der Myopie und daraus abgeleitete Eingriffmöglichkeiten bei Kindern", Symposium "Visuelle Rehabilitation bei Kindern", Inselspital Bern, Switzerland 
October 25"Foveales Blauskotom und seine Beziehung zur Geometrie der Fovea und zur Verteilung des Makulapigments", Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Ilmenau 


February 26,„Gast im Studio“, Schwäbisches Tageblatt Tübingen
March 4,Midterm review meeting of EC-ITN OPAL, Brussels, presentation about the progress of the ITN fellows
March 27,“Current progress in myopia research in Tübingen”, St. Thomas Hospital London (Prof. C. Hammond)
April 13,“Normale Refraktions- und Sehentwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen”, VDCO meeting, Aalen
May 8,Moderator of two sessions (Myopia and Emmetropization and Refractive errors, Myopia II) at the annual ARVO meeting, Seattle, USA
June 15,“Warum wachsen Augen länger? – Neues aus der Myopieforschung“, DOC meeting Nurenberg, Seminar für die Praxis des Augenarztes
June 21,“Vom Huhn zum Mensch – das Rästel der Myopie” EyeCademy, Augenärztetagung Bremen, Germany
July 8,“Vision in animals”, and “Current projects in the Section of Neurobiolgy of the Eye” two invited talks at annual meeting and summer school of OpAL, Santorini, Greece (Prof. G. Haris)
September 28,“Mechanismen der Myopie und Komplikationen bei hoher Myopie” ProRetina meeting about high myopia, Cologne, Germany (Ruth Forschbach)
October 4,“The role of peripheral optics in the development and progression of myopia”, OSA Vision meeting, College of Optometry, Houston
October 11, “Biological mechanisms of myopia”, Changsha Myopia meeting, Changsha, China (with appointment as a guest Professor)


15.-17. Jan, University of Murcia, Doctoral Examination, organized by Prof. P Artal
18.-19. Jan, Augenklinik Rendsburg, Herrenhaus Kluvensiek, "Das Rätsel der Myopie", organized by N Borgwardt
7.-14. March, Wenzhou Medical College Wenzhou "Current myopia projects in Tuebingen", organized by Dr. Liqin Jiang
21. March, Europäisches Patentamt München "Das Rätsel der Myopie", organized by Dr D Vasquez
28. April 2012, Ophthalmologische Schlossgespräch Ahaus, "Das Rätsel der Myopie", organized by Augenklinik Ahaus, Dr. Gerll
2.-4. May, University of Houston, Doctoral examination, organized by Prof. A Glasser
5.-11. May, ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale
28.-31. July, Bernstein Summer School Computational Neuroscience, Freudenstadt, "Optics of the Eye", organized by Prof. M Bethge
17.-21. Sept, Summer School of ITN "OPAL", Madrid, "Role of accommodation in emmetropization". Organized by Prof. S Marcos, FS scientific coordinator.
10.-13. Oct, EVER meeting Nizza, Award lecture "European Vision Award", "From chickens to humans - learning about the puzzles of myopia", and Zeiss Symposium "Genesis, genetics and control", here "Ocular and refractive development in children" organized by Carl Zeiss Vision (Dr. C Lappe)
20. Oct, Patientensymposium Heilbronn, ProRetina, "Physiologische und pathologische Myopie - Therapieversuche", organized by B Blau
21.-22. Nov, Augenklinik Hannover, "Vom Huhn zum Menschen - die Rätsel der Myopie"
28.-30. Nov, Freiburg, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, "Transverse chromatische Aberration und Linsendicke", organized by Dr S Heinrich und Prof. M Bach


11. Feb, Baden-Württembergische Augenärztetagung Tübingen, "Myopie - ein Forschungsgebiet mit vielen Überraschungen"
17. April, Augenklinik Düsseldorf, (International Innovative Ophthalmosurgery) "Demonstration of new lens scanner", organized by H. Kaymak
29. April - 7. May, ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale
16.-17. May, Kick-off meeting ITN "OPAL", scientific coordinator
20. June, University of Jena, Zenrtum für Medizinische Optik und Photonik, "Kontrastsehen und Kontrastadaptation", organized by Prof. R Kowarschik et al
28. June, FH Darmstadt, "Sehen der Tiere" organized by Prof. R Blendowske
6. July, Myopia Workshop Zeiss-Oberkochen "Myopie-Entstehung und Myopie-Kontrolle" and "Stellungnahme", organized by Dr. H Krug
30. Sept - 2. Oct, Tagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin "Regulation des Bulbuswachstums des myopen Auges", organized by PD Dr. A Hassenstein
6.-7. Oct, Patientenveranstaltung von ProRetina, Bremen "Physiologische und pathologische Myopie - Therapieversuche", organized by I Rathleff
8.-10. Oct, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik Aalen, "Random dot stereopsis despite sever independent spatial jitter in both eyes", organized by Dr. H Krug
24.-26. Nov, Augenklinik Wien, "Physiologische und pathologische Myopie", organized by Prof. O Findl


17.-21. Jan, University of Murcia, Spain, Winter school of RTN MyEuropia "Power and limits of photorefraction", organized by Prof. P Artal
15.-19. Mar, University of Murcia, Spain, "Myopia Updates", organized by Prof. P Artal
16.-17. April, Augenärzte-Symposium, Bergisch Gladbach, Lerbach, "Ursachen der Myopie - epidemiologische Untersuchungen, Genetik und Einfluss der Netzhaut", organized by Dr. H Kaymak
30. April - 8. May, ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale
5.-9. July, Summer School Visual Optics, Crete, "Emmetropization and myopia development" and "Principles of photorefraction and applications", organized by Prof. I Pallikaris and Prof. P Artal
26.-29. July, 13th International Myopia Conference Tübingen, Chairman and scientific organizer (with Dr. M Feldkaemper)
29. Sept, 10. Darmstädter Augenärztliches Symposium, "Das Rätsel der Myopie - experimentelle und epidemiologische Studien", organized by Augenklinik Darmstadt
8.-10. Oct, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Bad Homburg, "Calibration and precision of a self-calibrating video gaze tracker", organized by Prof A Langenbucher
12.-16. Oct, Kalmar, Sweden "Optical aberrations, adaptation and myopia" organized by Prof J Gustafsson, and Lund, Sweden "Optical tricks of the eye", organized by Prof. RR Kröger
21. Oct, Neurokolloquium Tübingen "The role of ambient illumination in ocular development in chickens", organized by Prof. P Thier et al
2. Dec, Aalen, Carl Zeiss Vision "Myopia and possible ways of intervention", and Zeiss Oberkochen "Binocular vision and stereopsis", organized by Dr. H Krug
6. Dec, Augenklinik Düsseldorf (International Innovative Ophthalmosurgery), "Measurements of visual functions with intraocular lenses" organized by Dr. H Kaymak


16. Jan, 2. Interdisziplinäres Forum Schnittstelle Mensch, Hören und Sehen, Tübingen, "Sehen Tiere anders als der Mensch" organized by Prof.
26.-29.1., Midterm review meeting RTN "MyEuropia", Venice, Italy, scientific coordinator
11.-13. Mar, International Myopia meeting Madrid/ Valladolid, "Modelos experimentales animales. La experiencia Tubingen", and "Optical treatments of myopia" organized by Prof. J Merajo
23.-25. April, Leopoldina Symposium Rostock "Intelligent implants", "Measurement of lens tilt and decentration, and chromatic aberration in the eye", orgnized by Prof. R Guthoff.
1.-9. May, ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale
19.-20. June, DOC meeting, Nurenberg, Germany "Die progressive Myopie - verstehen wir die Ursachen heute besser?" organized by Dr G Kulmbach
23.-25. June, European Projects in Vision Research, "European Training in Myopia Research", organized by Dr T Wheeler-Schilling
14.-15. Sept, ESCRS Congress, "The mystery of myopia", organized by Dr. Kermani
23.-25. Oct, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Schwerte, "Measurement of longitudinal chromatic aberration with polychromatic eccentric photorefraction", organized by W Jaschinski
27.-31. Oct, SUNY College of Optometry, New York, "Current research into myopia: which approaches could work to reduce its progression?" organized by Prof. D Troilo
6.-7. Nov, 22. Mindener Workshop, "Was beeinflusst die Entwicklung der Myopie - experimentelle Ergebnisse bei Mensch und Tier", organized by Augenklinik Minden


16.-19. Jan, annual meeting of the AMO, Zermatt (I) "Objective measurement of lens tilt and decentration in normal phakic subjects" (organized by Prof. U Mester et al)
25. Mar, Doctoral examination, RWTH Aachen, organized by Prof. H Wagner
26.-31. May, Doctoral examination, Hong Kong, organized by Prof. CH To
9.-13. May, daily lectures at the summer school of RTN "MyEuropia", Tübingen, organized by S. Diether and T Wheeler-Schilling
7.-12. July, 12th International Myopia Conference, Cairns, Australia "Cues to the sign of defocus: chromatic and monochromatic optical aberrations and contrast adaptation" (organized by Prof N McBrien and Prof I Morgan)
21.-24. Sept, Annual meeting of RTN "MyEuropia", Maurach, Lake Constance, scientific moderator
9.-11. Oct, Doctoral examination, Valladolid, Spain, organized by Prof. S Marcos
13.-14. Oct, University of Mainz, "Infrared photorefraction in goldfish", organized by Prof. C Neumeyer
17.-19. Oct, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Plöns, "Diurnal variations in refractive state and the effect of positive lenses"
27.-28. Nov, "Euro-Myopia 2008", Toulouse, France, "Current state of myopia research", organized by Prof. F Malecaze


4.-7. Mar, Murcia "Investigacion en Miopia: Avances recientes" (organized by the Spanish optics network, Prof. P Artal)
18. Apr, Bonner Augenärzteabend "Warum wächst das Auge zu lang und wie könnte man es verhindern? Stand der Myopieforschung"
4.-12. May ARVO
14.-16. May, Wittenberg, Genetics of Vision and Cognition (organized by Prof. J. Graw) "New test systems in the mouse"
19.-22. June, Summer school, Jacca, Spain, organized by Prof. P Artal und Prof. S Marcos
27. June, Knappschafts Krankenhaus, Sulzbach (U. Mester & H Kaymak) "Optical measurement of crystalline lens tilt and decentration"
24.-30. Sept, Wenzhou Medical College, China (I) "How to publish experimental results" and "Animal studies in myopia"
12.-14. Oct, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Hersching, organized by A Seidemann, "Messung der Linsenneigung und -Zentrierung bei normalen phaken Probanden"
15.-17. Oct, Annual meeting of RTN "MyEuropia", London, "Rapid measurements of central and peripheral defocus and its effects on visual performance - experimental plans and preliminary results" organized by Prof. C Hammond
2.-5. Dec, Europian Vision Summit, Interlaken, Switzerland, organized by the European Vision Institute "Studies on the role(s) of the retina in development of myopia"
10.-11. Dec, InterNeuro, Graduiertenkolleg Leipzig "Control of eye growth and emmetropia", orgnaized by Prof. A Reichenbach
19.-21. Dec, Doctoral examination, Murcia, Spain, organized by Prof. P Artal


14.-15. Jan, Ophthalmologisch-Optische Fortbildung in Münster " Welche Rolle spielt die Bildschirmarbeit bei der Entwicklung der Myopie?"
16.-19. Mar, Myopia & Visual Science Academy Conference, Wenzhou, China "Studies on the visual control of eye growth and myopia in chicks and mice" and "Optical techniques to measure visual performance and optical properties of the eyes in mice"
30. Apr, Ft. Lauderdale, Moderator, Sunday Symposium "Developments in biochemistry and cell biology of myopia"
19.-21. May, Gottweig, Krems, Annual meeting of the Austrian Ophthalmological Society "Tierexperimentelle Modelle der Myopie - ihre Relevanz für die Klinik"
15.-20. August, Singapore, 11th International Myopia Conference "Myopia studies in an animal model that does not care about refractive errors: the mouse"
29. Sept, Freiburg "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Kurzsichtigkeit" (organized by Prof. KF Fischbach)
13.-15. Oct, AOO, Magdeburg, "Einfluss der peripheren Refraktion auf der Kurzsichtigkeitsentwicklung - neue Randbedingungen für die Optik von Brillengläsern" (organized by M. Hoffmann)
6.-7. Nov, Oberjoch, Seventh conference of the junior neuroscience scientists "Me and my data: how to present and publish your results"
23.-24. Nov, Valladolid, Spain "What we can learn from animal models of myopia" (organized by Prof. J Marayo)


20. Jan, Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, "Chromatische Aberration, Sehschärfe und Fehlsichtigkeitsentwicklung" (organized by H. Weigand)
17.-20. Feb Göttingen, Neurobiologentagung
8. Mar, Carl-Zeiss-Optikkolloquium, Jena (I) "Chromatische Aberration, Sehschärfe und Fehlsichtigkeitsentwicklung" (organized by R. Kowarschik)
8. Apr, Erlanger Augenärzteabend "Myopie: Entstehung, Prävention und medikamentöse Therapieansätze" (organized by M Kuechle)
29. Apr - 7. May ARVO
14.-19. June, Tel Aviv, Israel, "Experimental efforts to understand retinal image processing for the control of myopia" (organized by Prof. J. Sivak)
25.-26. June, DOC Nuremberg, "Die progressive Myopie" (organized by Dr. Kulmbach)
6.-8. July, Zoologisches Kolloquium RWTH Aachen (I) "Kurzsichtigkeit" (organized by Prof. H. Wagner)
29. July Madrid, Recent advances in myopia research, organizer: Prof. S. Marcos
2. October, VDC meeting, Augsburg, "Was tun bei Myopie? Voll-, Über-, Unterkorrektur und / oder Visual Training?"
5.-9. Oct EVER meeting Vilamura, Portugal, "Mouse Vision Phenotyping" (organized by J. Graw) and "Optical techniques to measure natural accommodation" (organized by Prof. A. Glasser)
17.-18. Nov, Rodenstock, Munich " Measurement of gaze direction through spectacle lenses"
24.-27. Nov, Madrid, "Current research into myopia"
30. Nov, Karlsruhe Augenärzteabend (I) "Refraktionsentwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter", organized by Prof. W Lieb


7-8. Feb, WVAO Annual meeting, Bad Herrenalb "Myopie - Unter- oder Vollkorrektion?"
18.-22. Feb, New England College of Optomotry, Boston, USA "Myopia in the Mouse"
23.-30. April, ARVO
2. June, 105. Tagung der DGaO, Bad Kreuznach "Chromatische Aberration, Sehschärfe und Fehlsichtigkeitsentwicklung"
6.-7. July, MEA meeting Reutlingen "Detection of defocus by retinal ganglion cells in the chick retina in vitro"
9.-11. July, Bielschowski Meeting, Munich "Myopie - immer noch ein Rätsel?"
27. July, Rodenstock, Munich, "Myopia research: an overview"
21. Sept, Meeting of the European Society for Physiological Optics, Granada "A battery of optical tests to measure visual function and myopia in alert mice"
24. Sept, Madrid (I) "Myopia" (organizer: S Marcos)
20. Sept, Berlin, Charité "Myopie - immer noch ein Rätsel?" (organizer: Prof. K. Rüther)
29.-31. Oct, Cologne, AOO "Measurement of ocular dimensions in the mouse with low coherence interferometry" (with C Schmucker)
6. Nov, Jena Optics colloquium "Aktuelles aus der Myopieforschung" (organizer: Prof. H.-J. Grein)
23.-24. Nov, Med. Gesellschaft Freiburg (I) "Die Entstehung der Myopie: immer noch ein Rätsel?" (organizer Prof. T. Reinhard)
8.-9. Dec, Rodenstock München "Chromatische Aberration, Sehschärfe und Fehlsichtigkeitsentwicklung" (organizer: A Seidemann and D Uttenweiler)
10. Dec, Mainzer Augenärztliche Fortbildung, Augenklinik (I) "Wie entsteht Kurzsichtigkeit?"


January 29University Eye Hospital Heidelberg, (I)
Title: "Myopia - undercorrection or full correction?";
May 14University Eye Hospital Erlangen, (I)
Title: "Myopia - experimental results and clinical consequences";
September 10ARTEMIS Laserklinik, Frankfurt, (I)
4. Refraktiv-chirurgisches Symposium,
Title: "Stand der Forschung zur Genese der Myopie: Grundlagenwissenschaft und Klinik";
October 11Annual Meeting of the Swedish Optometrists, Stockholm, (I)
Title: "The puzzle of myopia: Did animal models help us to understand myopia development in children?";


March 16University of Houston, Dept Optometry.
Title: "Techniques to measure accommodation dynamically";
April 17IOBA, University of Valladolid
April 18IOBA, University of Madrid
(3 presentations);
May 10Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, ARVO Special interest group on Infant vision screening.
Title: "Use of the PowerRefractor for Vision Screening";
June 8School of Optometry, Waterloo, Canada.
(The Clair Bobier Distinguished Lecture);
June 16Annual meeting of the German Ophthalmic Surgeons, Nürnberg.
Title: "The PowerRefractor";
October 9ISER meeting, Geneva
Title: "Roles of contrast adaptation, ZENK and glucagon in the visual control of eye growth";
November 11Keynote lecture at the 9th International Conference on Myopia, Hong Kong
Title: "Molecular biology of myopia";
December 4Adventssymposium laserforum eV, Köln
Title: "Das Geheimnis der Myopie";


January 31Augenklinik Erlangen.
Title: "Dynamische Photorefraktion";
March 12Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, Wien.
Title: "Visuelle Steuerung des Augenlängenwachstums: Experimentelle Ergebnisse von Tier und Mensch";
April 28Augenklinik Giessen.
Title: "Visuelle Kontrolle des Augenwachstums und Myopie";
May 17Symposium Myopia, University Eye Hospital Geneva.
Title: "Visual control of eye growth - results from animal models and humans" and "Techniques to measure refraction form a distance";
July 7Augenklinik Erlangen.
Titel: "Techniken zur dynamischen Akkommodations-messung";
September 28Vereinigung Deutscher Contactlinsen-Spezialisten, Weimar.
Titles: (1) "The lag of accommodation". (2) "Myopie 2010";
October 1Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, Berlin.
Title: "Methoden zur dynamischen Akkommodationsmessung";
October 17Symposium über Myopie, Novartis, Basel.
Title: "Role of glucagon, ZENK and contrast adaptation in the visual control of eye growth";


February 11Ophthalmologisch-Optische Fortbildung des Berufsverbandes der Augenärzte in Münster.
Title: "Risikofaktoren der Myopie";
March 1Berufsverband der Augenärzte Oberbayerns, München.
Title: "Myopie - Ergebnisse von Tierexperimenten und Risikofaktoren beim Menschen"
March 22Berufsverband der Augenärzte Niederbayerns, Deggendorf.
Title: "Myopie - Ergebnisse von Tierexperimenten und Risikofaktoren beim Menschen";
March 26Schwerpunktstagung der wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung der Augenoptiker in Jena.
Title: "Myopie, Ergebnisse von Tiermodellen und Untersuchungen am Mensch";
March 27Deutschen Hygiene Museums, Dresden.
Demonstration PowerRefractor auf der Ausstellung "Kosmos im Kopf";
May 7DASA, Dortmund.
Präsentation der Photorefraktion auf der Ausstellungseröffnung "Mensch, Arbeit, Technik"
September 23Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
Title: "Visuelle Steuerung des Augenwachstums und Risikofaktoren für die Myopienentwicklung" (Referat);
2000, September 30Internationale Arbeitstagung der Vereinigung Deutscher Contactlinsen-Spezialisten, Würzburg.
Title: "Myopie - ein Steuerungsproblem?";
October 11School of Optometry, Cardiff, UK.
Title: "Visual control of eye growth and myopia";


April 8School of Optometry, Berkeley, San Francisco.
Title: "The visual control of eye growth: Systems analysis, optics and biochemistry";
September 16Augenklinik Würzburg.
Title: "Myopie - Neurobiologie, Optik und Systemanalyse";
September 23Key note lecture European Optical Society in Wroclaw, Polen.
Title: "Optics, Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Myopia";
October 19Abschlußsymposium des SFB 307 in Tutzing.
Title: "The myopic eye";
Oktober 24Tagung des Berufsverbands der Augenoptiker.
Title: "New Aspects of Myopia";
November 15Augenklinik Hamburg.
Title: "Retinale Kontrolle des Augenwachstums und Myopie";
November 26Annaual meeting of the Italian Ophthalmologists in Rome.
Titles: "New Concepts of Myopia" and "Clinical application of photorefraction" (2 presentations);


February 3Universitäts-Augenklinik Münster.
Title: "Warum Hühner keine Brille brauchen: experimentelle Ergebnisse zur Entstehung von Kurzsichtigkeit";
February 10New England College of Optometry, Boston.
Title: "Features of the retinal defocus detector: are there correlates to technical autofocus systems?";
March 21Ophthalmologisch-Optische Fortbildung der Augenärzte, Münster.
Title: "Ist Myopie beim Menschen primär die Folge eines schlecht fokusierten Netzhautbildes? Experimentelle Ergebnisse von Tier und Mensch";
May 8Second Annual Vision Research Conference on "Retinal development, degeneration and functional restitution", Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Title: "Long-term changes in retinal contrast sensitivity from frosted occluders and drugs: relations to myopia?";
June 8Paul Flechsig Institut für Hirnforschung, Leipzig.
Title: "Bildverarbeitung in der Netzhaut bestimmt das Augenlängenwachstum und Fehlsichtigkeiten";
November 11Fachhochschule für Augenoptik in Aalen.
Title: "Neue Ergebnisse aus der Myopieforschung";


May 20Hauptvortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft-in Mainz.
Title: "Neuronale Kontrolle des Augenwachstums bei Vögeln";
December 4Institut für Humangenetik und Zentrum für molekulare Neurobiolgie, Hamburg.
Title: "Steuerung des Augenlängenwachstums durch Bildverarbeitung in der Netzhaut";


February 29Pharmacia, Uppsala, Schweden.
Title: "Experimental myopia and the role of dopamine";
April 23Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Title: "Blur- Physics and Psychophysics";
September 236th International Conference on Myopia in Hakone, Japan.
Title: "Deprivation myopia - systems analysis and biochemistry";
September 27Toyko Science University, Japan.
Title: "Power and limits of automated infrared photorefraction";
October 23Universitäts-Augenklinik Düsseldorf.
Title: "Retinale Kontrolle des Augenlängen-wachstums und Kurzsichtigkeit";
December 5Zoologisches Kolloquium, Inst. für Zoologie, Mainz.
Title: "Warum Hühner keine Brille brauchen: Feinsteuerung des Augenwachstums durch Sehen";


February 2Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Title: "Diffuse image degradation versus defocus: the complex interaction of local eye growth control and accommodative mechanisms";
April 7New England College of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Title: "Diffusion versus Defocus: local versus central control of eye growth";
September 22International Symposium on "Current Concepts on Myopia", Rome, Italy.
Title: "What can we learn from animal models about human myopia";
December 1Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Title: "Steuerung der Augenentwicklung durch Bildverarbeitung in der Netzhaut";
December 14Laboratoria Optica, Dept. Fisica (Prof. Pablo Artal), Murcia, Spanien.
Title: "Pitfalls and powers of automated infrared photoretinoscopy";


Juni 29Universität Konstanz, Fakultät für Psychologie.
Title: "Wie wird das Bild auf der Netzhaut scharf - Experimente mit fehlsichtigen Hühnern";
July 1Universität Düsseldorf, Fakultät Biologie.
Title: "Wie wird das Bild auf der Netzhaut scharf - Experimente mit fehlsichtigen Hühnern";
October 19Ruhr Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Biologie.
Title: "Feinsteuerung des Augenwachstums durch Sehen";


February 20Dept. Optometry, University of Birminghman, Alabama, USA.
Title: "Dopaminergic mechanisms in Myopia";


February 7Vortrag auf dem Freiburger Augenärzteabend.
Title: "Neues zur Myopieforschung";
August 27McGill University, Dept of Ophthalmology, Montreal, Canada.
Title: "Myopia - Experimental results from animals and humans";
October 1Vortrag vor der Bielschowsky Gesellschaft anlässlich der DOG 1992, Heidelberg.
Title: "Myopie-visuell kontrolliert oder genetisch vorbestimmt?";


January 14Wiener Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft, Wien.
Title: "Kurzsichtigkeit - genetisch vorprogrammiert oder umweltbedingte Fehlentwicklung - experimentelle Ergebnisse von Tier und Mensch";
March 7Meeting of the National Academy of Science on Infant Vision (Irvine, California).
Topic: "Visual-guided control of refractive development-results from animal models";
September 22Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung des Schweizer Berufsverbandes für Augenoptik und Optometrie SBAO, Luzern, Schweiz.
Title: "Myopie im Tiermodell";
November 5Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the the Optical Society of America, San Jose, Californien.
Title: "Optimizing refractive state by visual feedback control";
November 21Pressekonferenz anlässlich der Tagung des Berufsverbandes der deutschen Augenärzte, Wiesbaden.


April 26Baden-Württembergische Augenärzte Tagung.
Title: "Kritische Bewertung der Rolle des Akkommodationstonus bei der Entwicklung von Myopie";
Juli 6Oxford University, Laboratory of Physiology.
Title: "A role for accommodation in eye growth and myopia?";
Juli 25Neurologische Universitätsklinik Freiburg.
Title: "Rolle des Akkommodationstonus bei der Entwicklung von Kurzsichtigkeit? Überblick über experimentelle Ergebnisse von Tier und Mensch";
August 3International Conference of the Society of Eye Research, Helsinki, Finland.
Title: "Critical evaluation of the role of accommodation during emmetropization" ;
December 3Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Abt. Neurobiologie.
Title: "Selbstregulation der Abbildungsschärfe im wachsenden Wirbeltierauge";


November 30Institut für medizinische Optik, Universität München.
Title: "Wie erlangt das Auge seine hohe optische Qualität?";