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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

Sylvie Julien-Schraermeyer

Deputy Head of the Lab for Molecular mechanisms driving age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Group Leader "Experimental Vitreoretinal Surgery"

Business address

Centre for Ophthalmology 
Institute for Ophthalmic Research 
Lab for molecular mechanisms driving age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Experimental Vitreoretinal Surgery Group 
Schleichstrasse 12/1 
72076 Tuebingen 

Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-84888
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29-4554

Academic Education

2015Habilitation, Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Tuebingen
2001PhD, cellular and molecular biology, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Life Sciences, France
1997Master (DEA), cellular and molecular biology, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Life Sciences, France
1991-1996Biochemistry studies (DEUG, licence, maîtrise), Biochemistry, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Life Sciences, France

Professional Experience

2022-Deputy Lab Head Group Leader "Experimental Vitreoretinal Surgery", Ophthalmology, Centre for Ophthalmology, Tuebingen, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Lab for molecular mechanisms driving age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
2011-2022Deputy team leader, Ophthalmology, Centre for Ophthalmology, Tuebingen, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, Division of Experimental Vitreoretinal Surgery
2003-2011Postdoctoral fellow, Ophthalmology, Centre for Ophthalmology, Tuebingen
2001-2003Postdoctoral fellow, Neuroscience, Migragen AG, Tuebingen
1997-2001PhD student, Immunology, Institut d’Immunohématologie, Laboratoire d’Immunopathologie, Hôpital Universitaire de Strasbourg, France
1996-1997Master student, Immunology, Institut d’Immunohématologie, Laboratoire d’Immunopathologie, Hôpital Universitaire de Strasbourg, France

Professional Activities and Functions

Academic service

Since 05/2018In Charge of Study at the Tuebingen Institute for Ophthalmic Research ("Studienbeauftragte")


2013Poster award Euretina Winter Meeting, Rome, Italy
2012Innovation Award (with Prof. Dr. Schraermeyer): Science2Start-Wettbewerbs, BioRegioSTERN, Germany

Invited Presentations

09.07.201718th Congress of Jiangsu Ophthalmological Society, Nanjing, China: "Remofuscin, an innovative drug for the treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and Stargardt disease (SD)".
02.02.2008Université Paris 5 René Descartes, Faculté de Médecine, Diplôme d'Université de Microchirurgie Ophtalmologique, Paris, France: "Greffes de cellules rétiniennes".

Travel grants

2014Novartis to the ARVO Meeting in Orlando, USA
2012 and 2010DAAD to the ARVO Meetings in Fort Lauderdale, USA
2012Novartis to the AAO Meeting in Chicago, USA
2011ARVO to the ARVO Meeting in Fort-Lauderdale, USA
2011IPCC (International Pigment Cell Conference) to the IPCC Meeting in Bordeaux, France

Past and Current Funding

2021-2023Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Stiftung: “Stabilisierung und Unterstützung des Blutgefäßwachstums als neues Konzept zur Behandlung von altersbedingter Makuladegeneration”.
2015-2020Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany (01GQ1422B): "Characterization and removal of age-associated lipofuscin in neuronal tissues".
2013-2015Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung, Germany (DKS 2012.8): "Prevention of radiotherapy induced secondary tumours in retinoblastoma animal models".
2008-2009Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (P40/08//A32/08): "Function and importance of RGM, an axon guidance protein, in the degeneration and regeneration of the optic nerve - Implications for the treatment of glaucoma".
2007-2008Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen (fortüne, Normalantrag Nr. 1755-0-0): "Comparison and evaluation of new therapies for age-related macular degeneration by using a reproducible and quantifiable model of choroidal neovascularization in the rabbit".
2006-2007Ernst und Berta Grimmke Stiftung (Lfd. Nr. 3/05): "Beeinflussung der RGM- Expression und seiner Wirkung durch Hemmung intrazellulärer Signalkaskaden in einem regenerierenden Modell des Sehnerven".
2005-2006Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (P16/05//A11/05//F00): "Degeneration und Regeneration des Sehnerven: Potentielle Bedeutung eines neuen Wachstumshemmenden Moleküls (RGM, Repulsive Guidance Molecule)".
2005-2006Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen (fortüne, Juniorantrag Nr. 1417-0-0): "Function and importance of RGM, a novel axon guidance protein, in the development of lesion of peripheral neurons – Implications for the development of glaucoma".


  1. Fang Y, Taubitz T, Tschulakow AV, Heiduschka P, Szewczyk G, Burnet M, Peters T, Biesemeier A, Sarna T, Schraermeyer U, Julien-Schraermeyer S. Removal of RPE lipofuscin results in rescue from retinal degeneration in a mouse model of advanced Stargardt disease: Role of reactive oxygen species. Free Radic Biol Med. 182:132-149, 2022.
  2. Julien-Schraermeyer S, Illing B, Tschulakow A, Taubitz T, Guezguez J, Burnet M, Schraermeyer U. Penetration, distribution, and elimination of remofuscin/soraprazan in Stargardt mouse eyes following a single intravitreal injection using pharmacokinetics and transmission electron microscopic autoradiography: Implication for the local treatment of Stargardt's disease and dry age-related macular degeneration. Pharmacol Res Perspect. 8(6):e00683, 2020.
  3. Tschulakow AV, Dittmann K, Huber SM, Klumpp D, Stegen B, Schraermeyer U, Rodemann HP & Julien-Schraermeyer S. The radioprotector ortho-phospho-L-tyrosine (pTyr) attenuates the side effects of fractionated irradiation in retinoblastoma mouse models but also decreases the local tumour control. Radiother Oncol 124:462-467, 2017.
  4. Julien S, Biesemeier A, Taubitz T & Schraermeyer U. Different effects of intravitreally injected ranibizumab and aflibercept on retinal and choroidal tissues of monkey eyes. The British journal of ophthalmology 98:813-825, 2014.
  5. Julien S, Biesemeier  A, Schraermeyer U.  In vitro induction of protein complexes between bevacizumab, VEGF-A165 and heparin: Explanation for deposits observed on endothelial veins in monkey eyes. Br J Ophthalmol. 97:511-7, 2013. 
  6. Schraermeyer U & Julien S. Effects of bevacizumab in retina and choroid after intravitreal injection into monkey eyes. Expert Opin Biol Ther 13:157-67; 2013.
  7. Julien S & Schraermeyer U. Lipofuscin can be eliminated from the retinal pigment epithelium of monkeys. Neurobiology of aging 33:2390-7; 2012. 
  8. Julien S; Peters T, Ziemssen F, Arango-Gonzalez B, Beck S, Thielecke H, Buth H, Van Vlierberghe S, Sirova M, Rossmann P, Rihova B, Schacht E, Dubruel P, Zrenner E, Schraermeyer U. Implantation of ultrathin, biofunctionalized polyimide membranes into the subretinal space of rats. Biomaterials 32:3890-3898; 2011.
  9. Julien S, Biesemeier A, Kokkinou D, Eibl O, Schraermeyer U. Zinc deficiency leads to lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium of pigmented rats. PloS one 6:e29245; 2011. 
  10. Julien S, Kreppel F, Beck S, Heiduschka P, Brito V, Schnichels S, Kochanek S, Schraermeyer U. A reproducible and quantifiable model of choroidal neovascularization induced by VEGF A165 after subretinal adenoviral gene transfer in the rabbit. Molecular vision 14:1358-1372; 2008.