Prof. Paul Bishop, University of Manchester, UK: Ophthalmology and Matrix Biology
Prof. Graeme Black, University of Manchester, UK: Genetic Medicine
Prof. Tony Day, University of Manchester, UK: Inflammation and innate immunity and Matrix Biology
Prof. Claire Harris, Newcastle University, UK: Biology of C3 breakdown products in inflammation
Prof. Anneke den Hollander, Radboud University, Nijmegen: Genetic influence in AMD
Prof. Mogens Holst Nissen, University of Copenhagen, DK: Choroidal cell/RPE cell cross-talk
Prof. Martin Humphries, University of Manchester, UK: Cell adhesion and signalling
Prof. B. Paul Morgan, Cardiff University, UK: Complement regulation in health and disease
Prof. Marius Ueffing, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany: Retinal dystrophies and macular degeneration
Dr. Richard Unwin, University of Manchester, UK: Development of complement specific biomarker assays
Prof. Derek Wainwright, Northwestern University, Chicargo, USA: Complement dysregulation in brain disease