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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

ERG Explorer

The ERG Explorer is a JavaTM software, which allows for the independence of the platform and operating system. It is based on the Better Swing Application Framework (BSAF), which implements the infrastructure common to most desktop applications, like application life-cycle management, localization and internationalization, session state persistence, and implementation of the model-view-controller pattern. ERG Explorer features a plug-in system, allowing it to import visual electrophysiological data from different sources. The plug-in system is based on the Java ServiceLoader API. Currently, three plug-ins are implemented: 1) Importing electrophysiological recordings from the Espion database; 2) Read and write visual electrophysiological data in ElVisML format; 3) Reading Center software for the exchange of visual electrophysiological data in multi-center clinical trials.

Processing of data is done using iDSL4SigProc, which is, in turn, based on Apache Commons Math for mathematical computations and JScience for managing quantities together with their units. Data visualization and charting are implemented using JFreeChart, reporting using JasperReports. ERG Explorer is based completely on open source software and leverages many other software frameworks and libraries in addition to those mentioned.

The ERG Explorer is being in use for several years in the clinical routine at the University Eye Hospital Tuebingen, the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University, USA, and the University Eye Hospital Basel, Switzerland. The developed standardized reports help the clinicians to reliably interpret the results of visual electrophysiological recordings.


  1. Torsten Strasser, Robert Wilke, André Messias, and Eberhart Zrenner. 2008. “Erg Explorer: A Software for Post-Processing, Analysing, and Reporting of Electrophysiological Data.” Acta Ophthalmologica 86 (September): 0–0. doi:10.1111/j.1755-3768.2008.4254.x.
  2. Torsten Strasser, Tobias Peters, Herbert Jaegle, Eberhart Zrenner, and Robert Wilke. 2010. “An Integrated Domain Specific Language for Post-Processing and Visualizing Electrophysiological Signals in Java.” In Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 1:4687–90. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5626417.
  3. Andreas Schatz, Robert Wilke, Torsten Strasser, Florian Gekeler, Andre Messias, and Eberhart Zrenner. 2012. “Assessment of ‘Non-Recordable’ Electroretinograms by 9 Hz Flicker Stimulation under Scotopic Conditions.” Documenta Ophthalmologica 124 (1): 27–39. doi:10.1007/s10633-011-9302-1.
  4. Torsten Strasser, Katarina Stingl, Hana Langrová, Nurgül Düzenli, Anne Kurtenbach, and Eberhart Zrenner. 2015. “Comparison of Automated Evaluation of the Fast and Slow Oscillations Electro-Oculogram and Normative Data.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56 (7): 462.