Marita Feldkaemper
Dr. rer. nat.
Deputy head of Neurobiology of the Eye
Business address
Section of Neurobiology of the Eye
Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Centre for Ophthalmology,
University of Tübingen
Elfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 7
D-72076 Tübingen,
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-87424
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29-5196
E-mail: marita.feldkaemper@uni-tuebingen.de
Academic Education
1994 | Ph.D (Dr. rer nat.), Philipps-University Marburg, Germany |
1988 | Diploma in Biology, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
Professional Experience
Since 2000 | “Akademische Rätin” at the Section for Neurobiology of the Eye, Institute of Ophthalmic Research, Centre for Ophthalmology, University of Tübingen, Germany |
1995-1999 | PostDoc at the Section for Neurobiology of the Eye, University Eye Hospital, Tübingen |
Editorship for Scientific Journals & Reviewer Activities
Ad hoc reviewer for several scientific journals (Journal of Comparative Physiology, PlosOne, Molecular Vision, Experimental Eye Research, Graefe´s Archive for Clinical and Experimental, Optometry and Visual Science Ophthalmology, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Vision Research, Journal of Proteome Research).
Memberships and Functions in Scientific Societies
- Member of the ARVO Committee 2011-2013
- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
- Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
- Mathis U, Feldkaemper MP, Schaeffel F (2021). Effects of Single and Repeated Intravitreal Applications of Atropine on Choroidal Thickness in Alert Chickens. Ophthalmic Res 64, 664-674.
- Bus C, Zizmare L, Feldkaemper M, et al. (2020) Human Dopaminergic Neurons Lacking PINK1 Exhibit Disrupted Dopamine Metabolism Related to Vitamin B6 Co-Factors. iScience 23, 101797.
- Gisbert S, Feldkaemper M, Wahl S, Schaeffel F (2020). Interactions of cone abundancies, opsin expression, and environmental lighting with emmetropization in chickens. Exp Eye Res 200, 108205. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2020.108205.
- Mathis U, Feldkaemper M, Wang M, Schaeffel F (2020). Studies on retinal mechanisms possibly related to myopia inhibition by atropine in the chicken. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 258, 319-333.
- Liu H, Schaeffel F, Trier K, Feldkaemper M (2020). Effects of 7-Methylxanthine on Deprivation Myopia and Retinal Dopamine Release in Chickens. Ophthalmic Res. 63, 347-357.
- Swiatczak B, Feldkaemper M, Schraermeyer U, Schaeffel F (2019). Demyelination and shrinkage of axons in the retinal nerve fiber layer in chickens developing deprivation myopia. Exp Eye Res. 188: 107783.
- Swiatczak B, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2019). Changes in fundus reflectivity during myopia development in chickens. Biomed Opt Express. 10, 1822-1840
- Wang M, Schaeffel F, Jiang B, Feldkaemper M (2018). Effects of Light of Different Spectral Composition on Refractive Development and Retinal Dopamine in Chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 59, 4413-4424.
- Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper M (2016). Myopia and Outdoor Exposures. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 57:4790.
- Schultheiss M, Schnichels S, Hermann T, Hurst J, Feldkaemper M, Arango-Gonzalez B, Ueffing M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Zeck G, Spitzer MS (2016). Hypothermia Protects and Prolongs the Tolerance Time of Retinal Ganglion Cells against Ischemia. PLoS One. 11:e0148616.
- Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper M (2015) Animal models in myopia research. Clin Exp Optom 98, 507-17.
- Lan W, Yang Z, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2016). Changes in dopamine and ZENK during suppression of myopia in chicks by intense illuminance. Exp Eye Res. 145, 118-124.
- Lan W, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2014). Intermittent episodes of bright light suppress myopia in the chicken more than continuous bright light. PLoS One. 9:e110906.
- Lan W, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2013). Bright light induces choroidal thickening in chickens. Optom Vis Sci. 90:1199-206.
- Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2013). An updated view on the role of dopamine in myopia. Exp Eye Res. 114,106-19.
- Penha AM, Burkhardt E, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2012). Effects of intravitreal insulin and insulin signaling cascade inhibitors on emmetropization in the chick. Mol Vis 18, 2608-2622.
- Penha AM, Burkhardt E, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2012). Ultrasonography and optical low-coherence interferometry compared in the chicken eye. OptomVis Sci 89, 916-921.
- Penha AM, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper M (2011). Insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin receptor, and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression in the chick eye and their regulation with imposed myopic or hyperopic defocus. Mol Vis 17, 1436-1448.
- Mutti DO, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper M (2011). 13th International Conference on Myopia. Optom Vis Sci 88, 362-364.
- Chen YP, Hocking PM, Wang L, Povazay B, Prashar A, To CH, Erichsen JT, Feldkaemper M, Hofer B, Drexler W, et al. (2011). Selective breeding for susceptibility to myopia reveals a gene-environment interaction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52, 4003-4011.
- Ashby RS, Feldkaemper MP (2010). Gene expression within the amacrine cell layer of chicks after myopic and hyperopic defocus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51, 3726-3735.
- Feldkaemper MP, Neacsu I, Schaeffel F (2009). Insulin acts as a powerful stimulator of axial myopia in chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50, 13-23.
- Schippert R, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2009). Microarray analysis of retinal gene expression in Egr-1 knockout mice. Mol Vis 15, 2720-2739.
- Schippert R, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2008). Microarray analysis of retinal gene expression in chicks during imposed myopic defocus. Mol Vis 14, 1589-1599.
- Schippert R, Burkhardt E, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F. (2007). Relative axial myopia in Egr-1 (ZENK) knockout mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48, 11-17.
- Brand C, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2007). A microarray analysis of retinal transcripts that are controlled by image contrast in mice. Mol Vis 13, 920-932.
- Schippert R, Brand C, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper MP (2006). Changes in scleral MMP-2, TIMP-2 and TGFbeta-2 mRNA expression after imposed myopic and hyperopic defocus in chickens. Exp Eye Res 82, 710-719.
- Bitzer M, Kovacs B, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2006). Effects of muscarinic antagonists on ZENK expression in the chicken retina. Exp Eye Res 82, 379-388.
- Brand C, Burkhardt E, Schaeffel F, Choi JW, Feldkaemper MP (2005). Regulation of Egr-1, VIP, and Shh mRNA and Egr-1 protein in the mouse retina by light and image quality. Mol Vis 11, 309-320.
- Feldkaemper MP, Burkhardt E, Schaeffel F (2004). Localization and regulation of glucagon receptors in the chick eye and preproglucagon and glucagon receptor expression in the mouse eye. Exp Eye Res 79, 321-329.
- Simon P, Feldkaemper M, Bitzer M, Ohngemach S, Schaeffel F (2004). Early transcriptional changes of retinal and choroidal TGFbeta-2, RALDH-2, and ZENK following imposed positive and negative defocus in chickens. Mol Vis 10, 588-597.
- Ohngemach S, Buck C, Simon P, Schaeffel F, Feldkaemper M (2004). Temporal changes of novel transcripts in the chicken retina following imposed defocus. Mol Vis 10, 1019-1027.
- Buck C, Schaeffel F, Simon P, Feldkaemper M (2004). Effects of positive and negative lens treatment on retinal and choroidal glucagon and glucagon receptor mRNA levels in the chicken. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45, 402-409.
- Schaeffel F, Simon P, Feldkaemper M, Ohngemach S, Williams RW (2003). Molecular biology of myopia. Clinical & experimental optometry 86, 295-307.
- Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2003). Interactions of genes and environment in myopia. Dev Ophthalmol. 37:34-49.
- Feldkaemper MP, Schaeffel F (2002). Evidence for a potential role of glucagon during eye growth regulation in chicks. Vis Neurosci 19, 755-766.
- Zhu X, Feldkaemper MP, Winawer JA, Park T, Wallman J (2001). What ocular components underlie the inhibition of myopia or hyperopia by glucagon or by its antagonist? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42, 318.
- Ohngemach S, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2001). Pineal control of the dopamine D2-receptor gene and dopamine release in the retina of the chicken and their possible relation to growth rhythms of the eye. J Pineal Res 31, 145-154.
- Feldkaemper MP, Wang HY, Schaeffel F (2000). Changes in retinal and choroidal gene expression during development of refractive errors in chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41, 1623-1628.
- Bitzer M, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (2000). Visually induced changes in components of the retinoic acid system in fundal layers of the chick. Exp Eye Res 70, 97-106.
- Feldkaemper M, Diether S, Kleine G, Schaeffel F (1999). Interactions of spatial and luminance information in the retina of chickens during myopia development. Exp Eye Res 68, 105-115.
- Feldkaemper M, Wang HY, Schaeffel F (1999). Changes in retinal and choroidal gene expression during myopia and hyperopia development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40, 2396-2271.
- Bitzer M, Feldkaemper M, Schaeffel F (1999). Identification of retinoic acid synthesizing enzymes in the chicken retina and their possible roles during myopia development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40, 4471-4274.