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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

Training methods to improve reading and spatial orientation

Training methods for reading

For patients with maculopathy and central scotoma:

We developed and proved in two RCTs a computer-based home training for patients with maculopathy to improve reading performance. We found statistically significant improvement of reading speed in patients with AMD and M. Stargardt. In Stargardt patients additionally a sensomotoric training was applied, which also improved reading speed significantly .

For patients with hemianopia

We performed a RCT with a training of vertical versus horizontal reading direction and found significant improvement.

Training methods for orientation

We performed a RCT with adult patients and a study with children with hemianopia applying an explorative saccadic training with a search task on a computer screen as a home training and found significant improvement of exploration, spatial orientation and quality of life.

For patients with peripheral visual field defects in Retinitis pigmentosa

An RCT in patients with RP showed a statistically significant improvement of walking speed and a benefit in orientation.

This training is available certified product (

Main publications related to this topic (see also complete list of publications)

  1. Roth T, Sokolov AN, Messias A, Roth P, Weller M, Trauzettel-Klosinski S. (2009) Comparing explorative saccade and flicker training in hemianopia: a randomized controlled study. Neurology 72(4): 324-331.
  2. Nguyen NX, Stockum A, Hahn GA, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2011) Training to improve Reading Speed in Patients with juvenile macular dystrophy: A Randomized Study comparing two training methods. Acta Ophthalmol. 2011 Feb;89(1):e82-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.02081.x.(online)
  3. Ivanov IV, Mackeben M, Vollmer A, Martus P, Nguyen NX, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2016) Eye Movement Training and Suggested Gaze Strategies in Tunnel Vision - A Randomized and Controlled Pilot Study.PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0157825 June 28, 2016
  4. Ivanov IV, Kuester S, MacKeben M, Krumm A, Haaga M, Staudt M, Cordey A, Gehrlich C, Martus P,  Trauzettel Klosinski S (2018) Effects of visual search training in children with hemianopia. PLoS One 13(7): e0197285. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197285.
  5. Kaltenegger K, Kuester S, Altpeter E, Eschweiler GW , Cordey A , Gehrlich C, Ivanov IV, Martus P, Knipp C, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2019) . Effects of home reading training on reading speed and depression in AMD -A randomized and controlled study. Graefe`s Archives Exp Clin Ophthalmol, Nr. XXX
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  6. Kuester-Gruber S, Kabisch P, Cordey A, Karnath H-O, Trauzettel-Klosinski S (2020) Training of vertical versus horizontal reading in patients with hemianopia – a randomized and controlled study. Graefe`s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol,