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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

Optic Neuritis

The Aulhorn flicker test, an analog test, previously showed high specificity and moderate sensitivity in diagnosing acute optic neuritis (ON) and provided a valuable tool for monitoring the course of the disease. We recently developed a new, digitalized version of the Aulhorn Flicker test displaying a high specificity of 0.96 and a sensitivity of 0.93. Our study indicates the digital flicker test to be an accurate and easy-to-use tool in diagnosing acute ON, which will be especially helpful in atypical cases.

Main publications regarding this topic (see also complete list)

  1. Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Aulhorn E (1987) Measurement of brightness sensation caused by flickering light. A simple and highly specific test for assessing the florid stage of optic neuritis. Clin Vis Sci 2: 63-82.
  2. Trauzettel-Klosinski S (1989) Various stages of optic neuritis assessed by subjective brightness of flicker. Arch Ophthalmol 107: 63-68.
  3. Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Schüpbach M, Aulhorn E (1989) Standardization of the Tübingen Flicker Test. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 227: 221-229.
  4. Trauzettel-Klosinski S (1992) The Aulhorn Flicker test: Possibilities and limits. Its use in optic neuritis for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, monitoring the course of the disease and assessing the effect of oral prednisolone. German J Ophthalmol 1: 415- 423.
  5. Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Axmann D, Diener, HC (1993) The Tübingen study on optic neuritis treatment - a prospective, randomized and controlled trial. Clin Vis Sci 8: 385-394.
  6. Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Diener H-C, Dietz K, Zrenner E (1996) The effect of oral Prednisolone on VEP-latencies in acute optic neuritis- monitored in a prospective, randomized and controlled study. Doc Ophthalmol 91: 165-179
  7. Pihl-Jensen G, Ivanov IV, Hinze D, Trauzettel-Klosinski S, Frederiksen J (2019) Sensitive assessment of acute optic neuritis by a new, digital flicker test. Ophthalmic Research, DOI:  10.1159/000503304