Head of the Lab

- Head of Vision Rehabilitation Unit,
- MD, Professor of Ophthalmology
Members of the Lab

Stephan Küster-Gruber
- Scientist, Medical Doctor, IT specialist MD, Dipl. Inf.
- Phone: +49 7071-29 83701
- e-mail: stephan.kuester@uni-tuebingen.de

Denise Tara Leinberger
- Scientific student co-worker
- e-mail: denise.leinberger@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Maria Jose Galvez de Villalta
- Project Manager, MA
- Phone: +49 7071-29 83705
- e-mail: maria.galvez-villalta@med.uni-tuebingen.de
Associated co-workers from the University Eye Hospital Tuebingen
Constanze Kortüm
- Research cooperator, MD
- e-mail: constanze.kortuem@med.uni-tuebingen.de
Anne Kurtenbach
- Research cooperator, PhD
- e-mail: anne.kurtenbach@uni-tuebingen.de
Doctoral students
- Faisst, Theda
Eye movements during reading alphabetic words and Chinese characters in children with and without developmental dyslexia - Owczarek, Katarzyna Matylda
The development of supply with visual aids for visually impaired in the years 1959-1988. A retrospective study based on the patient-recordings of the low vision service of Mrs. Prof. Elfriede Aulhorn, MD at the University Eye Hospital Tübingen. - Nill, Svenja
„Sustained Attention under a gaze controlled paradigm and its significance to patients with central scotoma” - Kabisch, Paul
The influence of reading training to the hemianopic reading disorder - Hinze, Desiree
The Aulhorn Flicker test in the diagnosis of optic neuritis: Evaluation of a new computer-based test - Knipp, Clemens
Eye movements during reading single words before and after reading training in patients with age-related macular degeneration