- Dr. rer. nat.
- Head of the Neuroprotection & Drug Delivery Lab
- Dr. rer. nat.
- PostDoc
- Deputy Head of the Neuroprotection & Drug Delivery Lab

- Dr. rer. nat.
- PostDoc
- Head of Junior Research Group “Precision Polymers for Pharmaceutics” https://www.ipoc.uni-stuttgart.de/ppp/team/Adams-00001/
Scientific Project & Financial Management
Members of the Schnichels Lab
PhD Students
- Agnes Fietz agnes.fietz@student.uni-tuebingen.de
- Yasaman Pourdakheli Hamedani yasaman.pourdakheli@med.uni-tuebingen.de
- Nathalie Smeets nathalie.smeets@live.be
- Molly Tzu-Yu Lin molly-tzu-yu.lin@uni-tuebingen.de
- Seán Boyle seanboyle165@gmail.com
Post-Doc Scientists
- Sally Williamson sally.williamson@klinikum.uni-tuebingen.de
- Emily (Emma) Dosmar emdosmar@gmail.com
Technical Assistants
- Heidi Mühl Heidi.Muehl@med.uni-tuebingen.de
- Manuela Leinwetter manuela.leinwetter@medizin.uni-tuebingen.de
Clinician Scientists
- Lisa Strudel lisa.strudel@med.uni-tuebingen.de
- Caroline Gassel caroline.gassel@med.uni-tuebingen.de
- Immanuel Philipp Seitz immanuel.seitz@med.uni-tuebingen.de
MD/PhD Candidates
- Isabell Schleicher isabell.schleicher@student.uni-tuebingen.de
- Chiara Seiz chiara.seiz@student.uni-tuebingen.de
- Agnes Mühl agnes.muehl@student.uni-tuebingen.de
- Marc Hrusa marc.hrusa@student@uni-tuebingen.de
- Dr. med. Tobias Kiebler
- Evangelia Lilou
- Dr. rer. nat Sami Ullah
- Rama Kserawy, B.Sc.
- Dr med. dent. Ulrich Hagel
- Dr. med. Berenike Kunzmann
- Dr. med. Marius Stang
- Dipl.-Biol. Karin Tiedemann
- Dr. med. vet. Nele Heider (geb. Schneider)
- Dr. Milda Reith geb. Vitkute
- Dr. med. dent. Aileen Breitschwerdt-Strobel
- Patricia Klemm, MSc
- David Scherer, MSc
- Dr. med. Katharina Fröβl
- Dr. med. David Simmang
- Dr. med. Jan Halbmann
- Dr. med. dent. Marion Melchinger
- Jan Willem de Vries, PhD
- Agnieszka Gruszka, PhD
- Kathleen Hofmann
- Tanja Dorfi
- Felix Frößl
- Heike Enderle, MTA
- Dipl. Ing. Johanna Wude (geb. Hofmann)
- Dr. med. Eva-Maria Konrad
- Dr. med. Matthias Blak
- Dr. med. Gesine Attrodt