Julio Cesar da Costa Moura
PhD student
Business address
Institute for Ophthalmic Research
University of Tübingen
Elfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 7, Ebene 1/ Raum 104
D-72076 Tübingen,
Tel. +49 7071 29-87819
Academic Education
2019-2021 | Master, Neuroscience, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte |
2014-2018 | Bachelor, Biomedical Engineer, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte |
2011-2014 | Bachelor, Science and Technology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte |
Professional Activities and Functions
Academic Awards
2016 | 3rd Prize “Most Innovative Project Award” – Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2016 at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany. |
2015 | 2nd Prize “Most Innovative Project Award” – Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2015 at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany. |
Academic Teaching and Services
2020 | Teaching assistant “Machine Learning for Life Sciences” (60h), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. |
2019 | Lecturer “I WORKSHOP DE PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS DE RETINOGRAFIA” (4h) (I Workshop on fundus imaging processing”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. |
Selected Publications
Barros, D.M.S., Moura, J.C.C., Freire, C.R. et al. Machine learning applied to retinal image processing for glaucoma detection: review and perspective. BioMed Eng OnLine 19, 20 (2020).
Freire, Cefas, R., Moura, J. C. C., Barros, D. M. S., Valentim, R. A. M. "Automatic lesion segmentation and Pathological Myopia classification in fundus images." arXiv (2020).