Sensitive assessment of acute optic neuritis by a new digital flicker test
The Aulhorn flicker test measures the subjective brightness of a flickering field (0-50 Hz) compared to a steady field. It is an analog test with a high specificity and moderate sensitivity. We now developed a new digital test (DFT), which shows the typical darkness enhancement at medium frequencies in patients with acute ON with high specificity and high sensitivity compared to unaffected eyes. The digital test is an accurate and easy-to-use tool in diagnosing acute ON, which may be especially helpful in atypical cases of ON .
Ongoing studies will examine patients with important differential diagnoses and new options for applications and will develop a user-friendly version of the test.
Partner: | Prof. Jette Fredriksen, Rigshospitalet, Department of Neurology Copenhagen, Denmark |
Funding: | Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Jascha Foundation and the Direktør Jacob Madsen og Hustru Olga Madsen Foundation, Kerstan Foundation |