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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde


  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2024). Slowing myopia with ZEISS MyoCare: Efficacy confirmed across multiple sites, large cohorts, and various ethnic groups (EAOO 2024, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Sauer Yannick (2024). Wie VR und KI die Brillenentwicklung verändern (WVAO 2024, Mainz, Germany)

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  • Ohlendorf Arne (2023). Refractive Development of the Eye and Clinical Implications for the Management of Myopia (GOMCC 2023, Singapore, Republic of Singapore)
  • Hosp Benedikt W (2023). ZERO: A Generic Open-Source Eye-Tracking Controller Interface for Scientists (PETMEI, ETRA’23, Tübingen, Germany) 
  • Hosp Benedikt W. (2023). ZING: An Open-Source Eye-Tracking Experiment Software for Virtual Reality (PETMEI, ETRA’23, Tübingen, Germany) 
  • Hosp Benedikt W (2023). Learning algorithms for visual perception and decision-making research (Machine Learning MEETS Quantitative Social Sciences, Tübingen, Germany)
  • Neugebauer Alexander (2023). Virtual Reality basiertes Blickbewegungstraining zur Verbesserung der Navigationsfähigkeit von Personen mit Tunnelblick (Bardet-Biedl-Patientenseminar 2023, Bonn, Germany)
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2023). Solutions for (High) Myopia (ZEISS International Day of Light 2023, online)
  • Neugebauer Alexander (2023). Virtual Reality based Gaze Training for improved Visual Performance in Retinitis pigmentosa Patients (Pro Retina Potsdam Meeting 2023, Potsdam, Germany)

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  • Sauer Yannick (2022). Realtime blur simulation of varifocal spectacle lenses in virtual reality (SIGGRAPH Asia, Deagu, South Korea)
  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2022). Motor adaptations for object size perception and grasping (SIF - Italian Society of Physiology, Bari, Italy)
  • Gisbert Martinez Sandra (2022). L opsin expression is reduced in eyes treated with diffusers and negative lenses in the chicken model (IMC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Katharina Breher (2022). Das Potenzial der optischen Kohärenztomographie in der Myopieforschung am Menschen (VDCO Sichtkontakte, Osnabrück)
  • Katharina Breher (2022). Perzentilkurven als Unterstützung für Myopiemanagement (Symposium für Augenoptik, Aalen)
  • Hosp W. Benedikt (2022). Eye-Tracking in Arthroscopic Surgery & Beyond (Symposium on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst)
  • Gisbert Martinez Sandra (2022). Effects of the spectral energy distribution of ambient lighting on L-, M- and S-cone abundancies and emmetropization in the chicken (ARVO, Denver)
  • Calabuig-Barroso Alejandro (2022). Model eye assessment by 3D fast-scanning peripheral refraction wavefront sensor (Unconventional Optical Imaging III, Strasbourg, France)
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2022). Myopia Causation Hypotheses | Myopia Management Solutions (Tianjin HAIHE International Ophthalmology Forum 2022; Tianjin, China)
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2022). Myopia Progression Management: From Bench to Bedside – Efficacy and Effectiveness of clinical interventions (FIA Insitutesseminar, Tübingen, Germany)

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  • Neumann Antonia (2021). Einfluss von peripherer Kontrastreduktion auf die zentrale Kontrastempfindlichkeit und auf die Akkommodation (Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Aalen, Germany)
  • Breher Katharina (2021). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Netzhautform und peripherer Refraktion (Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Aalen, Germany)
  • Breher Katharina (2021). The potential of optical coherence tomography in myopia research (Alumni-Event Optometry Aalen, Benediktbeuern, Germany)
  • Lukashova-Sanz Olga (2021) Visual search enhancement via saliency-aware augmentation in VR (Young Researchers Vision Camp, online)
  • Breher Katharina (2021). Myopia in children – status quo and novel findings (Synologen Academy Event, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Sipatchin Alexandra (2021). Impact of unconstrained head movements to scotoma and enhanced scotoma simulation in virtual-reality (VR) smooth pursuit gaming. ARVO (Virtual meeting)

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  • Breher Katharina (2019). Wie hängen Netzhautform und Myopie zusammen? Erkenntnisse aus OCT-Scans, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany). 
  • Leube Alexander (2019). Entwicklung eines Low-Cost Photorefraktors, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2019). (Smarte) Lösungen zur Refraktionsbestimmung, Arbeitskreis Ophthalmische Optik, Herrsching (Germany).
  • Lewis Chuang (2019). Der Blick durch die “rosa-rote“ Brille: Der Einfluss der Farbglastönung auf die visuell affektive Verarbeitung. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbets-, Organisations- & Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Braunschweig (Germany).
  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2019). Growth curves of myopia-related parameters to clinically monitor the refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren. Tianjin HAIHE International Ophthalmology Forum, Tianjin (China).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2019). Smart solutions to measure refractive errors of the eye – Status quo and outlook. Alumni-Event Optometry Aalen, Aalen (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2019). Translation into Lens Products: Insights into Lens Design and Scientific Background of ZEISS Myopia Management Lens Products. ZEISS International Myopia Symposium. (Germany).
  • Breher Katharina (2019). The role of the choroid in myopia research. Laser World of Photonics, Munich (Germany).
  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2019). Accommodative response following contrast adaptation. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • García García Miguel (2019). Peripheral 2D image quality metrics. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).

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  • García García Miguel (2018). The effect of peripheral defocus imposition on the retinal dioptric defocus patterns for real life scenarios. VPO, Athens (Greece).
  • Leube Alexander (2018). Adaptation to contrast in monochromatic light. VPO, Athens (Greece).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2018). Peripheral Design of Progressive Addition Lenses and the Lag of Accommodation. Vision China, Beijing (China).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Research and Trends in Myopia Management. Tianjin International Ophthalmology Forum, Tianjin (China).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2018). Novel optical technologies to assist the visually impaired. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  • Rifai Katharina (2018). Habituation to progressive additional lenses – a neuronal process. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Angewandte Forschung zur Entstehung und Entwicklung von Kurzsichtigkeit. 119th Annual Meeting DGaO, Aalen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2018). Model investigation on contribution of feedback in distortion induced motion adaptation. Computational and Mathematical models in Vision Workshop, MODVIS Workshop, Florida (USA)
  • Wahl Siegfried (2018). Novel technologies: Aids for the visually impaired? New Horizons in Vision and Hearing Research, Tuebingen (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2018). Without light, there is no sight – Light and ocular health. 74. SBAO Fachtagung, Bern (Schweiz)

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  • Wahl Siegfried (2017). Gamification in Virtual Reality as Novel Model in Neurophthalmology. The eye and the brain, Berlin (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2017). Vorzeichenabhängige Reduktion der Sehschärfe unter monochromatischen Lichtbedingungen. AOO, Erlangen, Germany.
  • Schilling, Tim (2017), Messung der Steigung durch den Tuebingen Contrast Sensitivity Tests (TueCSTest). AOO, Erlangen, Germany.
  • Wahl Siegfried (2017). Trends to assist the visually impaired. Academy Weekend: Clinical Days, Stockholm (Sweden).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2017). Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality. Rotary Club Ellwangen, Aalen (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2017). The epidemiology of refraction. European Association for Vision and Eye Research Conference, Nice (France).
  • Barraza-Bernal Maria Jose (2017). Novel strategies to enhance visual performance using simulation of central vision loss for the visually impaired. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Sanz Diez Pablo (2017). Adaptation to contrast and its influence on accommodation. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Ivanov Iliya (2017). The effectiveness of EST in RP. Vision 2017, Den Haag (Netherlands).
  • Ivanov Iliya (2017). Influence of divided attention on performance fields across the retina and PRL selection. Vision 2017, Den Haag (Netherlands).
  • Rifai Katharina (2017). Die Zukunft in der Mikrochirurgie: Digitale Technologien in 3D. Retinologische Gesellschaft, Stuttgart (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2017). The impact of short wavelength light on ocular health. Sino-France-German International scientific Forum on Optics and Optometry.

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  • Schilling Tim (2016). A novel method for the assessment of the contrast sensitivity. VPO, Antwerpen (Belgium).
  • Leube Alexander (2016). Sign-dependent response of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity to spherical defocus. VPO, Antwerpen (Belgium).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2016). PRL development and correllation to areas with high attential capabilites. Neurotech, Reutlingen (Germany).
  • Ivanov Iliya V (2016). Improving visual function in neurodegenerative diseases by a battery of mobile Apps. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Dias Catarina (2016). Peripheral Retinal Image Simulation Based on Retina Shapes. EUROGRAPHICS 2016, Lisbon (Portugal).
  • Gutierrez Mlot Esteban (2016). 3D Gaze Estimation Using Eye Vergence. HEALTHINF 2016 Rome (Italy).
  • Leube Alexander (2016). Sphero-zylindrische Selbstrefraktion – Eigenständige Bestimmung der sphero-zylindrischen Refraktion mit Hilfe von Alvarez Linsen. AOO, Tübingen (Germany).

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  • Leibig Christian (2015). A pragmatic introduction to restricted boltzmann machines.  Deep Learning Meetup, (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Myopia, High Myopia, Pathologic Myopia – Inducing a PRL, Low Vision Kreis, Jena (Germany).
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2015). Aspekte der Messung der Refraktion bei Kindern mittels Wellenfrontaberrometrie. AOO, Jena (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2015). Defokuskurven in der Ophthalmologie und Optometrie – Ein Update. AOO, Jena (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). High Myopia and PRL. ZEISS Symposium, IMC, Wenzhou (China).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Vision science and industrial innovation. Spectaculum at University of Applied Science Furtwangen in Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Habtegiorgis Selam (2015). Adaptation to spatially varying distortions. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2015). Accelarating the innovation process in research. YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).
  • Leube Alexander (2015). Defokuskurven zur Ermittlung der Schärfentiefe des menschlichen Auges. Sommerkolloquium EAH Jena (Germany).

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  • Ohlendorf Arne (2014). Defokuskurven in der Ophthalmologie und Optometrie. AOO in Illmenau
  • Ohlendorf Arne (2014). Interventions to slow the progression of myopia. EVER, Nice (France).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2014). Industry-on-Campus: ZEISS Vision Science Lab in the Centre of Ophthalmology in Tübingen. 98. Augenärztlichen V., Tübingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2014). Innovation. Service Innovation symposia, Aeronautics and space research centre of Germany (DLR), Köln (Germany).

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  • Ohlendorf Arne (2013). Der horizontale und vertikale Augendrehpunkt des Auges. AOO, Darmstadt (Germany).
  • Havermann Katharina (2013). Dynamisches Sehen - Charakteristika von Kopfbewegungen bei reaktiven Blickbewegungen. AOO, Darmstadt (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). Industrial innovation vs. academic research: Friends or foes? MicroTec Südwest Fachgruppe in Lenzkirch
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). ZEISS at a glance. Bernstein Conference, Tuebingen (Germany).
  • Wahl Siegfried (2013). Industrial innovation vs. academic research: Friends or foes? YRVC, Leibertingen (Germany).

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  • Wahl Siegfried (2012). Open Innovation and Lean Innovation. Photonics BW symposia, Aalen (Germany).

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