Public funding

DFG CRC 1233 "Robust Vision"
- Project 10 w/ L. Busse and F. Schaeffel
- Project 12 w/ M. Bethge, P. Berens
- Project 13 w/ L. Busse and P. Berens

DFG Priority Program 2041 "Computational Connectomics"
2018-2023 (EU 42/9-1, EU 42/9-2)
- Project "Computational modules of the inner retina" w/ P. Berens
- SPP 2040

DFG Research Grant
2020-2022 (EU 42/10-1)
- “Are dendritic integration rules in retinal ganglion cells adapted to the statistics of the natural environment?”
- w/ P. Berens

DFG GRK 2381 "cGMP: From Bedside to Bench"
- Project 8 “cGMP and visual signal processing in the inner retina”
- GRK 2381
Past (recent)

ITN “switchBoard”
- Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Curie Actions
- H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 No.674901 – switchBoard
- Network coordinated by T. Euler

NIH grant
until 2018 (1R01EY023766)
- Project leader: R. Smith
- “Retinal circuits for local synaptic processing”

BRAIN Initiative grant
until 2018 (5U01NS090562)
- Project leader: S. Seung
- “Vertically integrated approach to visual neuroscience: Microcircuits to behavior”