Thomas Bende
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Head of the Foundation for basic research in Ophthalmology
Deputy Head Experimental Ophthalmic Surgery
Business address
Foundation for Basic Research in Ophthalmology
Institute for Ophthalmic Research
University of Tübingen
Schleichstraße 12/1
D-72076 Tübingen,
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29 83728
E-mail: t.bende@deos-tuebingen.de
Academic Education
1994 | Dr.rer.nat habil, Laser Physics, University Eye Hospital, Tuebingen |
1988-91 | med. Phys., Physics, Free University of Berlin, Germany |
1980-84 | Dr.rer. nat., Physics, Free University of Berlin, Germany |
1976-85 | Dipl. Phys., Physics, Free University of Berlin, Germany |
Professional Experience
Since 2010 | Head, Ophthalmic Research, Foundation for Basic Research in Oph. |
Since 2002 | Professor, Deputy Head, Ophthalmic Research, University of Tuebingen, Division Experimental Ophthalmic Surgery |
1996-2002 | Assistant Professor, Ophthalmic Research, University of Tuebingen, Division Experimental Ophthalmic Surgery |
1990-96 | Physicist, Researcher, Ophthalmic Research, University of Tuebingen, Division Experimental Ophthalmic Surgery |
1985-90 | Physicist, Researcher, Ophthalmic Research, University Eye-Clinic, Berlin |
- Member of ARVO
- Member of the ASCRS
Additional information
- Review for Klinische Monatsblätter
- Review for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
- Member Advisory Board of MATEST, Germany
- Member Advisory Board of TearScan, USA
Major Publications
- V.K Pustovalov, B. Jean. Melanin Granule Models for the Processes of Laser-Induced Thermal Damage in Pigmented Retinal Tissues. Modeling of Laser-Induced Heating of Melanosomes ans Selective Thermal Processes in Retinal Tissues. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, v. 69, pp. 245-263, 2007.
- J. Einighammer, T. Oltrup, T. Bende, B. Jean (2007). "Calculating intraocular lens geometry by real ray tracing." J Refract Surg 23(4): 393-404.
- J. Einighammer, T. Oltrup, T. Bende, B. Jean (2009). "The Individual Virtual Eye: a Computer Model for Advanced Intraocular Lens Calculation." J Optom 2009;2:70-82, dx.doi.org/10.3921/joptom.2009.70
- J. Einighammer, T. Oltrup, E. Feudner, T. Bende, B. Jean (2009). "Customized aspheric intraocular lenses calculated with real ray tracing." J Cataract Refract Surg 35:1984-1994.
- J. Einighammer, T. Oltrup, T. Bende, B. Jean (2010). "Real Ray Tracing Simulation Versus Clinical Outcomes of Corneal Excimer Laser Surface Ablations.", J Refract Surg 26(9): 625-637.
- S. Birkner, J. Einighammer, T. Oltrup, T. Bende, B. Jean (2010). "Biometric measurements inside the model eye using a two wavelengths Fourier domain low coherence interferometer." Biomed Eng (submitted 7/7/2010).