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Forschungsinstitut fuer Augenheilkunde

eye2you wins BMWi-Gründerwettbewerb „Digitale Innovationen“

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AI startup eye2you wins Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy

Empowering ubiquitous smartphones cutting-edge artificial intelligence to improve eye care everywhere convinced the jury and beats over 200 competing startups.

The EXIST-funded AI startup eye2you at the Institute for Ophthalmic Research with their Mentor Prof. Philipp Berens is one of the winners of the Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen, a startup competition by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

In Germany alone, every year thousands of people lose their vision because of diseases that could be treated if they would be diagnosed in time. But many people only see an ophthalmologist only after they experience the first symptoms. But this means that the retina is already damaged. The three founders Christian Wallraven, Björn Browatzki, and Jörn-Philipp Lies (picture, left to right) are developing an artificial intelligence which uses smartphones and mobile fundus cameras to enable general physicians, nurses, or trained caretakers to provide retinal check-ups to patients. This allows people to get people fast, easy, and reliable check-ups in their familiar environments. Especially in rural regions or developing countries, where the next ophthalmologist might be hours or even days away, their solution will help save the vision of thousands of people.

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